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Tuesday 22 November 2011

Microsoft Embroiled In Anti-Trust Case ... Over Windows 95    [ 22-11-2011 21:03 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft is once again embroiled in an anti-trust suit in the U.S.courts. If that sounds at all reminiscent of its historic anti-trust cases then there's good reason, this one is about Windows 95! Specifically the case centres around Novell's WordPerfect software, which was supposed to ship with Windows 95, but didn't make the launch.

Novell is suing for $1 billion claiming that Microsoft deliberately left the software out due to Bill Gates instructing Microsoft's engineers to do so because he wanted Microsoft Word to have a dominant position. Microsoft are claiming that it is simply a case of not being able to get a completed version of WordPerfect included in Windows 95 in time for launch.

Bill Gates himself has been called upon to testify in the case and his claim that Windows 95 was "... the most challenging, trying project we had ever done" would seem to still ring true some 16 years after it was first released.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Another iOS 5 Bug, This Time WiFi Takes A Beating    [ 22-11-2011 20:50 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Apple via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

iOS 5 has had its share of problems since release, not the least of which have been reports by many a user about shockingly poor batery life. Well a new issue has cropped up and again it's a pretty serious one. Some users have reported that WiFi signal strength has degraded since making the transition to iOS 5, and some are even reporting intermittent connectivity. The problem isn't confined to newer Apple devices either, reports suggest it affects the iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, and the iPhone 3GS along with both the iPad and iPad 2 and possibly even the iPod Touch.

One enterprising user did a spot of etective work and reverted his device to iOS 4.3 and then upgraded to iOS 5, which caused the problem to re-appear. That would seem to confirm that it is ineed a problem specific to iOS 5. The last update Apple released, iOS 5.0.1 hasn't done anything to fix the issue so if you are one of the unlucky ones affected by this it looks like you will just have to wait until Apple does get around to fixing it.

Rating: Rating: 1

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RIM Slashing PlayBook Prices    [ 22-11-2011 20:35 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

RIM islooking to make a last desperate push to generate some interest in its PlayBook tablet with a $300 discount. The sale means that some customers could save as much as 60% with prices for the device ranging from $199.99 to $399 depending upon model.

The PlayBook has seen its sales slump after an initial sales drive of 500,000 in quarter one, but that quickly nose dived to 200,000 units in the previous quarter. RIM's decision to cut the price reflects that situation as we head towards Christmas and the competition is looking much better placed to soak up customers' money. The iPad is still capturing the most mindshare and Amazon's Kindle Fire is also reaching out to consumers. Not so the PlayBook, which is gimped by a lack of apps, no email support and frankly little in the way of features that really set it apart from the competition.

Rating: Rating: 1

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