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Thursday 05 May 2011

New Dell XPS 15z: Exclusive Pictures    [ 05-05-2011 19:01 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: http://pocketnow.com     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

CNET recently reported on some rather stylish new laptops to come out of Dell, new laptops that will carry forward the spirit of the Dell Adamo. The first of these new models to be released will be the 15.6 inch screen XPS 15z, which you can take a gander at below. The laptop will sport Sandy Bridge Core i5 and Core i7 processors. There will be a series of these laptops though with 14 inch and 17 inch models also becoming available.

For now take a butcher's at our exclusive pictures below and dream of what might be ...

EDIT: We've had to remove the pictures. Sorry folks!

Rating: Rating: 4

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Facebook/Google Thinking Of Skype /Purchase/Partnership?    [ 05-05-2011 18:54 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nothing beats a good old fashioned internet rumour and who better to star in one than Google and Facebook? The story goes that the two internet titans are casting an acquiring eye over everyone favourite communication tool ... Skype! Reuters is citing one source as saying that Facebook's CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg is actually considering just buying Skype outright. Such a deal would be worth somewhere in the region of $3-$4 billion.

There is a second rumour floating around though that has Facebook and Google thinking of some form of collaboration with Skype rather than an out and out acquisition. Skype has of course been integrating Facebook into its software and has been taking its first steps into the world of Android too. With millions of users Skype is a very attractive partner for both companies who base their business models on reaching as many people as possible.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: Bendy PaperPhone Device Input    [ 05-05-2011 17:51 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Human Media Lab     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A team of researchers from Canada's Queen's University have been working on flexible display inputs and the results, so far, are pretty impressive. Actually folding and bending the display is used to deliver inputs to the devices and thus action commands. How useful it is in the real world is a different matter, but the principle of it is pretty frikkin sweet you have to admit. Definitely check it out in the videos below ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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101 Million Smartphones In Q1 ... Android Keeps Going Up    [ 05-05-2011 16:16 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Canalys     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Canalys have been poring over the various numbers to have come out of the mobile manufacturers of late and have come up with a unified set of figures representing the tate of the mobile space in recent times. So without further ado let's start by saying that 101 million smartphones were shipped during the first quarter of this year, which is an 83% increase year on year. Of those 101 million Android accounted for 35.7 million, which means Google's market share was 35%.

The lumbering dinosaur that is Symbian managed to make a strong showing in the twilight of the Cretaceous shipping 24.5 million units for a 24% share, but that's down from 39% year on year. Still it does show that Symbian has some teeth left as it starts to exit the stage.

Asia accounted for the lion's share of the sales with 37% and Europe, Africa & the Middle East weren't too far behind with 32%. North America accounted for 24% of sales and Latin America 6%. Interestingly enough here Asia's strong showing benefited Nokia, which saw 53% of those 24.5 million Symbian smartphones being bought in Asia.

So there you have it folks, smartphones conintue to rise and they're taking Google with them.

Rating: Rating: 2

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  Apple Releases iOS 4.3.3 Update To Fix Location Tracking    [ 05-05-2011 15:46 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Just a quick note in case you might have missed this, but Apple are distributing an update for iOS that aims to fix certain bugs. The bugs in question of course centre around the tracking row whereby an iOS device would store large numbers of data points based on location and then backup those data points through iTunes. The update is available for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches and apparently the Verizon iPhone too.

Rating: Rating: 5

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