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Wednesday 04 May 2011

AT&T Rep Says No iPhone This Summer    [ 04-05-2011 19:03 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: MacRumours     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Talk of their being no new iPhone this summer may feel like it's gospel by this stge, but remember that it is still a rumour. However, adding some degree of certainty to the mix is a tidbit provided to an AT&T customer by one of the company's representatives. The customer noted that his upgrade date had been kicked back a good 5 months and obviously wanted to know why. The responsehe received was thus:

Apple has informed us that they do not plan to release the iPhone in the June to July timeframe, though there will be a newer version in the future. Unfortunately, we have not been given a release time for the new phone. We will release this information on our website when it is available to us.

Of course this all ties in with what we already suspected that is that a new iPhone would appear sometime later in the year, probably around Autumn time. Granted that customer service representatives aren't exactly the keepers of the silmarils, but every now and again they let slip a comment that perhaps they shouldn't and perhaps this is one of those moments?

Rating: Rating: 1

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Official Desire HD Gingerbread ROM Leaks    [ 04-05-2011 18:46 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: XDA Devs     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Desire HD owners with a hacking mindset rejoice as 911Sniper has released the official HTC Android 2.3.3 build for the Desire HD. That's two months ahead of expectations for those keeping count by the way. The release will no doubt spawn different variants in the weeks and months ahead so keep your eyes peeled if there is something in particular you are looking for. For those looking to do a bit of poking and prodding of their own check it out here.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Microsoft Issues Win Phone's First Security Update    [ 04-05-2011 18:16 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: All About Microsoft     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

I guess you could say that a mobile platform hasn't really arrived on the scene until it has received its first security update and so here comes the first for Windows Phone 7. The update addresses a potential problem with 3rd party certificates and is classified as a critical fix. The statement issued by Microsoft reads:

Fix for fraudulent third-party digital certificates. This update includes a critical fix to an industry-wide issue with nine untrusted digital certificates that were issued by one root certificate authority. These third-party digital certificates are used to access popular websites and email portals. Although this is not a Microsoft security vulnerability, these untrusted certificates may be used to spoof content, perform phishing attacks, or perform man-in-the-middle attacks against all web browser users. This update moves the affected certificates to the “Untrusted Publishers” certificate store on Windows Phone, which helps ensure that these fraudulent certificates are not inadvertently used.

No doubt this will be the first of many such updates, but it's still an important milestone for Microsoft's mobile platform, even if it is the sort of update that you don't really want to see.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Spotify Launching Download Service    [ 04-05-2011 17:10 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Spotify     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Spotify has been undergoing some big changes of late, not all of them popular of course such as the limiting of free users to 5 plays of a track, but one that is sure to bring a smile to the face is the announcement that Spotify is launching a music download service and that it will work just nicely with your iPod.

The new service will include managing your iPod from Spotify itself via the new 'Devices' section of the application. Mobile users get a fancier option  though as the Android and iPhone applications can wirelessly sync playlists with the desktop client, just open the mobile app and the device will appear in the Devices section on the desktop client. This option also covers the iPod Touch. This is an improvement on the previous situation where you would need a premium account just to sync playlists, but of course you still need to either buy the tracks, have a premium account or have the music on your mobile device to actually listen to tracks.

Download pricing is as follows:

10 tracks - 9.99 euros or 1 euro/track
15 tracks - 12.99 eurosor 0.87 euros/track
40 tracks - 30 euros or 0.75 euros/track
100 tracks - 60 eurosor 0.60 euros/track

Rating: Rating: 1

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