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Friday 06 May 2011

Google Earth Bringing 3D Maps To Tablets    [ 06-05-2011 19:52 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Google     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Uber popular map application Google Earth is to come to specific Android tablets, those running Honeycomb and the updated tablet version will bringing some new features with it. For instance, an action bar located at the top of the screen will allow the user faster and easier access to popular functions e.g. 'your location', Places, etc.

It's another addition that will really be settings this app apart though because it will bringing 3D textured buildings to the table(t). Essentially that means that when you're whizzing around a city on your tablet you can get a rather snazzy view of some of those buildings down there.

The update is available now for the relevant devices.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Sony Offering Free Month Of PSN, CEO Apologises For Attack    [ 06-05-2011 19:38 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Sony     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Sir Howard Stringer, Sony's CEO and chairman, has issued an apology to the company's customers and given some details of Sony's plans to compensate users affected by the recent attacks on its PlayStation Network. Sir Howard was keen to assure customers that Sony was taking the matter seriously, stressing "... the resources of this company have been focused on investigating the entire nature and impact of the cyber-attack we've all experienced and on fixing it."

The 'Welcome Back package being prepared by Sony incluedes the likes of a month of free PlayStation Plus service free of charge and accounts will credited for the downtime experienced by the network. Whilst compensation may be first and foremost for some, for others there is still the issue of why it took Sony so long to get to grips with the issue. On that very subject Sir Howard expalined:

As soon as we discovered the potential scope of the intrusion, we shut down the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services and hired some of the best technical experts in the field to determine what happened. I wish we could have gotten the answers we needed sooner, but forensic analysis is a complex, time-consuming process. Hackers, after all, do their best to cover their tracks, and it took some time for our experts to find those tracks and begin to identify what personal information had — or had not — been taken.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Nokia Looses Number 1 Smartphone Spot In W. Europe    [ 06-05-2011 19:12 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Electronista     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nokia have lost their prestiged position as the number one smartphone player in Western Europe. The region was long held as one of their greatest bastions, but a dramatic fall in Nokia's market share in the region has seen Apple creep in and take the top spot from them.

Back at the beginning of last year Nokia held 40.6% of the Western European smartphone market. A year later that has tumbled to 19.6%. Apple, by comparison holds a 20.8% share in the same region. Interestingly enough though Apple also saw their market share decline from last year where it stood at 24.6%, but the decline wasn't as marked as that of Nokia.

It's not just Apple Nokia needs to worry about though. RIM is sitting on 16.5% at the moment, not all that far behind Nokia, but crucially RIM has seen their share drop from 19.6% last year. HTC, on the other hand, have seen their market share climb from 7.8% last year to 16.5% this year and as a consequence are now in a position to challenge Nokia's reduced market share (as well as RIM it has to be said).

Of course all of this comes before Nokia has released its first Windows Phone smartphone. How well such a device(s) will be received will be key to reversing these sort of declines for Nokia.

Rating: Rating: 1

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