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Thursday 17 March 2011

Nokia Says Devs Will Develop For Win Phone 7    [ 17-03-2011 19:38 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The smartphone world is awash with app stores and to keep those stores stocked with content those platforms rely upon developers to spend their time coming up with new and exciting apps. Do devs have enough time and resources to devote to all these different platforms though? That was the question posed to Nokia CEO Stephen Elop with regards to Windows Phone 7.

One dev posed the question of whether Windows Phone 7 could realistically grab enough dev time with the likes of Android and iOS dominating the scene. Elop responded:

When we consider developers, there is a series of things that must be true. You have to have reach, you have to believe you can monetise, you have to believe you have a valid developer platform, and finally you have to great developer tools.We’ve actually studied this and asked a lot of developers all over the world, and, while it's not the consensus, by far the majority view is that [the number of operating systems they develop for] is about 2.8 – 3 platforms. This was a critical question for us.

So the statistics, according to Elop, show that devs are perfectly willing to develop for multiple platforms and that three platforms is something of a 'sweet' number for them in terms of what they are prepared to take on. Interestingly Elop went on to suggest that if the research had shown devs weren't willing to develop for Windows Phone 7 in addition to Android and iOS then that would have had an impact upon Nokia's decision to partner with Microsoft. The implication being that an Android partnership could then have been on the cards.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Android Browser 52% Faster Than iOS Safari    [ 17-03-2011 19:22 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Slashgear     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Web optimization firm Blaze have released a report showing Android's web browser to be 52% faster than Safari on the iPhone 4.

The study ustilised a Google Nexus S running Gingerbread 2.3 on the Android side and an iPhone 4 running iOS 4.3 on the iOS side. The iPhone, using the native Safari browser, only managed to load websites faster than the Nexus S 16% of the time meaning that the Android handset loaded 84% of the 1,000 test sites fastest.

Now that probably seems like a large discrepancy between the two, but in reality the actual performance difference wasn't massive. The average load time for Android was 2.1 seconds whilst the iPhone was only slightly behind with 3.25 seconds. So yes Android was loading pages faster, some 52% faster, but in real terms it amounts to just a second or so. Websites designed for mobile phones showed the cigarette paper width of the difference even more starkly with iOS only 3% slower than Android at loading them.

The research used a 'fast Wi-Fi connection' for the tests and the network usage was low so there shouldn't have been much (if any) congestion to distort the reults.

It's an interesting outcome that will no doubt please Android fanboys and dismay Apple fanboys, but for anyone actually looking at the results in context the overriding conclusion to take away from the test is that in practice there isn't much difference at all

Rating: Rating: 1

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BlackBerry Security Flaw: RIM Says Disable Browser    [ 17-03-2011 19:01 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: CIO     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

BlackBerry fans might want to take note of a vulnerability discovered at the Pwn2Own conference. The vulnerability centres around WebKit, the technology behind the native broswer found on BlackBerry devices.

In a nutshell the exploit could allow someone to access data held on the memory stick or the handset's internal storage. RIM is keen to stress, however, that the exploit does not allow access to email, calandar data, contact info or any data associated with the application store.

Ok fair enough, but what can you do about this hack? Well not a lot at the moment truth be told since there is no fix for it yet. Nevertheless RIM have been issuing some workarounds for those concerned so you could disable JavaScript in the browser, for example. This won't address the fundamental problem, but JavaScript is required to execute the attack.

Another, more extreme, option is for BlackBerry Enterprise Server admins to completely disable the browser. Now obviously that's not a fun step to take when it comes to a smartphone so calling that a 'workaround' is pushing it a bit perhaps.

As for an actual solution to the core problem RIM are saying that they are "... investigating the issue to determine the best resolution for protecting BlackBerry smartphone users". In other words be patient.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Apple 'Forgets' Their App Store Isn't The Only Show In Town    [ 17-03-2011 18:50 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple have a new iPhone advert doing the rounds and it's one of those Apple adverts. You know the ones that are firmly entrenched within the reality distortion field. I mean when you insinuate that without an iPhone you don't have access to apps you are sort of forgetting Android or Blackberry or Palm or Windows Phone, hell even Symbian.

Rating: Rating: 1

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