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Friday 18 March 2011

Sony Ericsson: Xperia Play Will Boost Android Game As A Whole    [ 18-03-2011 19:59 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The Xperia Play is just around the corner and ahead of the launch you can expect Sony Ericsson to be talking the handset up of course, but they're doing a wee bit more than that ...

In an interview with TechRadar Dave Hilton, the head of Marketing for Sony Ericsson in the UK, he made the claim that the Xperia Play is actually a means to improving gaming across Android as a whole, not just a single game centric handset:

It's a means to an end for us, but improving the quality of Android gaming as a whole is definitely a part of what we're doing.

That's a big claim to make, but to be fair there is some truth in it. Android, on the whole, hasn't been a great platform for gaming, certainly not when compred with iOS, which has tended to attract the bigger and better titles so far. Sony Ericsson have been working closely with Google and various game developers like EA, Gameloft and Sony of course, to make sure that the Xperia Play is a bona fide gaming machine in its own right.

The side effect of that effort is that Android games a competent gaming machine and that in turn brings some serious attention to Android as a gaming platform. The Xperia Play is launching with around 50 titles available and more are in the works. That alone qualifies this as the single biggest boost Android gaming has received since ... well probably ever.

Rating: Rating: 2

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iPhone 5 To Have Metal Back? Already In Mass Production?    [ 18-03-2011 19:36 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: 9to5Mac     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The summer is just around the corner and that means it's almost new iPhone time. What you thought I was going to say beach holidays, cocktails and barbecues? Ha!

Anyway iPhone 5 rumours have been gathering pace for a while now and the latest is that the newest iPhone will keep the same shape as the current iPhone 4, but will feature a larger screen and also a metal backing. Speculation around the screen centres on what sort of resolution it will have with some commentators wondering if Apple might push it up even higher thanthat found in the iPhone 4.

To reinforce this rumour we have some sightings of the iPhone 5 apparently having been made at Foxconn, Apple's Chinese manufacturing partner. The iPhone 5 is said to be in mass production there in anticipation of a summer launch.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Google Providing Devs With App Info    [ 18-03-2011 19:18 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: PhoneScoop     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google are set to give Android devs a helping hand by providing detailed statistics on how users are using their apps. The information will include things like how many people using the app are using a particular version of Android and what the most popular device is amongst your users.

It's the sort of information that devs have been able to access through third party analytical tools and to be honest you have to wonder why Google hasn't done this before now. At any rate it's a good move and will be appreciated by devs.

The information will be provided through a dashboard setup called 'Application Statistics' and it's launching today. The initial records will date back to 22nd December last year so devs will immediately have a few months worth of user data to pore over

Rating: Rating: 2

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