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Thursday 28 July 2011

Third Of Consumers Say They Will Buy iPhone 5 Despite Knowing Nothing About It    [ 28-07-2011 19:23 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: PriceGrabber     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Some figures from PriceGrabber has thrown up a rather interesting result concerning the iPhone 5. In a study of some 3,000 people the survey found that a respectable 35% of them declaring that they would be interested in purchasing Apple's newest iPhone when it launches later this year. That's a pretty strong following for a device that hasn't been released yet and here lies the curious thing about this result ...

... no one outside of Apple actually know very much about the iPhone 5. Even with all the conflicting rumours, constantly shifting opinions and a plethora of opinions and release dates being forwarded there are still a significant number of people who are willing to say they will buy it right now. In essence they are making a leap of faith in their answer that the device will be worth buying.

It underscores the strong following Apple has built for itself and the iPhone in particular. When you have an estimated third of consumers willing to state they will buy a product they know next to nothing about you know you have them locked into your brand.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Video: Xperia Neo Challenge    [ 28-07-2011 18:35 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: via SE-NSE     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A rather curious, ansd fun, little video from Sony Ericsson here. As part of the Xperia Neo Challenge Sony Ericsson outfitted some skateboarders with cardboard boxes and Xperia Neos. The idea is that the skateboarders put the boxes on their heads so they can't see, except for the Neo strapped to the front, which allows the skateboarders to view the world through its camera. Check it out for yourself.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Nielsen Figures: Android Still On Top    [ 28-07-2011 18:34 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nielsen's latest figures for the state of the American smartphone market paint an all too familiar picture. Let's start with the obvious and very much expected; Android is still king of the hill as of Q2. Google's platform controls a cool 39% of the American market leaving second placed iOS in its wake with 28%.

Don't feel sorry for Apple though because even though iOS may have captured less of the market overall Apple is the single biggest smartphone manufacturer in the U.S. Android has gained more market share through the various manufacturers that are producing Android handsets.

RIM is still managing to hold its head up, but just barely, having a 20% share of the market. RIM hasn't been setting the market on fire lately, but with new handsets on the way it can perhaps claw back some percentage points. They just have to hope that their competitors don't have any big hitters coming up ... oh ...

Anyway we also have Windows Phone putting in an appearance with a 9% share of the market. Mostly this is due to HTC, but with Nokai set to release its first Windows Phone handset soon it may get a boost from them too. webOS and Symbian are almost not worth talking about in terms of their market share, barely scraping together 2% as they do.

Rating: Rating: 2

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BBC iPlayer iPad App Going Global    [ 28-07-2011 18:04 ]

Author: Serge Novikov     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The BBC's fabulous iPlayer iPad app is at long last going worldwide ... well not quite worldwide yet, but it is going to be available in countries other than the UK. It will initially launch in eleven Western European nations (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Ireland, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland).

The service will start off in rude health according to Mark Smith, Launch Director of Global iPlayer, who said "There is at least 1,500 hours of content there from day one, and it will be growing by at least 100 hours a month going forward. Most audiences know the big shows like Top Gear and Doctor Who, but maybe not so much about other shows, so we have been working hard on how we surface that content".

It's not just Europe that's getting iPlayer either, the service will soon be available in the United States too. The release date for America is penciled in as being sometime later this year so a bit vague, but at least you know it's coming.

Now for the unpleasant part ... it's not free. Unlike the UK where iPlayer is free of charge to use users in other countries will have to stump up 7 euros a month or 50 euros a year to use iPlayer. That's a bargain for the content that it will provide though.

Rating: Rating: 2

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