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Monday 25 July 2011

Video: Samsung Galaxy R    [ 25-07-2011 18:00 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: sammyhub     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Some Samsung Galaxy R action here for you folks. Yes the handset was previously known as the Samsung Galaxy Z, but the letter doesn't matter now does it? The handset is essentially a cheaper version of the Galaxy S II for those wanting in on the action, but unable to afford the price tag.

Specs wise we're looking at a dual-core1 GHz chip with a 4.2 inche 800x480 dsplay. Sadly that display isn't Super AMOLED, but we can't have it all I suppose. There's a 5 MP camera with LED flash and 720p video recording for the snap happy amongst you and of course the usual connectivity features. Internally you can expect 8 GB of storage.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: New iPad 2 Advert Lacks Smugness    [ 25-07-2011 17:50 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Apple     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

There is a new advert for the iPad 2 out and normally I wouldn't bother posting about it, after all it is just another ad and we all know what Apple's ads are like right? Well yes and no. It is just an advert to be fair, but it is a little different to previous Apple adverts. For one thing is doesn't drip with the usual smug buzzwords Apple is so fond of.

The advert is actually pretty interesting because it puts the iPad 2 in an everyday context that people will relate to. Reciting tech specs, bashing the compeition or showing off half-assed uses for video calling tend to be the norm when trying to hawk tech products, but here Apple has adopted a much more subtle strategy. Just look at the advert, it shows the iPad 2 being used in every day scenarios that ordinary people would actually engage in. Even the tone of the advert is subdued; less the in your face 'buy this because it makes you cool' crap from Apple, and more 'buy this because it's just plain useful'.


Rating: Rating: 1

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iPhone 5 Increasingly Looking To Be Headed For September Launch    [ 25-07-2011 17:12 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

BGR are reporting that AT&T are all of a flutter over the upcoming iPhone 5. Apparently AT&T is sending out memos to its staff telling them to wrap up training ahead of an expected increase in footfall and enquiries for the launch of the iPhone 5. The magic date? Still no exact time of course, but September is the narrowest it's been whittled down to.

Apple, for their part, are apparently seeking to take on additional staff to help the company's retail stores cope with the expected increase in traffic. Former employees are said to be included, with Apple asking them to return on a part-time basis to help them out. The announcement for the new handset is expected from Apple in late August, so September, as mentioned above, seems likely for launch, and quite possibly early September at that.

Rating: Rating: 1

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RIM To Shed 2,000 Staff    [ 25-07-2011 09:41 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

RIM is increasingly looking like a company in distress. If it were a person it would be treading water right about now whilst looking for a lifebelt. The latest news out of the company is the sacking of some 2,000 employees. That represents 11% of their total workforce. RIM says that it will be notifying those exployees affected this week. It's obviously not a good sign for a company to have to lay people off, and even worse for those losing their jobs of course.

In addition to the lay offs there were some changes to the executive team. Thorsten Heins is taking on the job of COO, Product and Sales. Other changes saw staff shuffled in the sales, marketing and operations department.

It comes in the wake of a scathing rebuke by an anonymous executive a month ago. In that rebuke of RIM's current strategy the anonymous executive accused RIM of failing to act over mismanagement and of shying away from bold decisions. This is certainly a bold decision, no mistake about that, but it remains to be seen whether it will help the company in the long run..

Rating: Rating: 5

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Microsoft Exec Bets $1,000 That People Like Windows Phone Over Other Platforms    [ 25-07-2011 08:37 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: WinRumours     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The saying 'put your money where your mouth is' often doesn't find much backing amongst those doing the bragging, but Brandon Watson, senior director of development at Microsoft, is doing just that. He has wagered a cool $1,000 with Scott Adams, the author of the Dilbert comic, that he would like a Windows Phone handset better than the iPhone or an Android device.

Adams had commented upon his frustration with his current handset, prompting the wager from Watson. If Adams gives the device, which will be a developer handset running Mango, an honest trial and doesn't like it better then Watson has agreed to donate $1,000 to charity.

Watson has also offered to send CNET's Molly Wood a handset to try after she complained about her Moto DROID X. The terms for Wood are the same as offered to Adams. Watson has been giving out his office phone number on Twitter to developers so he can get direct feedback from them. The guy is obviously committed to his platform, especially if he is stumping up his own money!

Rating: Rating: 2

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