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Thursday 21 July 2011

Google+ App For Windows Phone This Week?    [ 21-07-2011 18:57 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Social Times     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The wait for a Google+ app on the iPhone seemed torturously slow for those of us looking forward to it. Well that wait is of course now over, but spare a thought for the poor folks using a Windows Phone device who want their Google+ kick whilst on the move. They still don't have an app!

That might be about to change very soon if a post from Google, made on 14th July, is anything to go by. Google listed various changes in that post thet they would like to make to Google+ and at number 6 on the list was an app for Windows Phone. The changes listed were apparently due to be implemented this week, which would mean the app could be available very very soon. Of course Google did say that it 'may' be this week. Such a small word that, but with a big impact.

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Apple Sails Past Nokia As World's Biggest Smartphone Vendor    [ 21-07-2011 18:34 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: FT     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

As noted by the earnings announcement Nokia is not having a good day, but Apple is. For the first time ever Apple has surpassed Nokia as the world's leading smartphone vendor by volume sold. Apple had already taken the top position in terms of revenue and profits. With their smartphone sales having topped 20 million in Q2 and Nokia's having slid from 24.2 million in Q1 to 16.7 million this quarter Apple have leapt passed Nokia. It's all the more remarkable really when you consider that Apple only has two smartphones currently on sale and neither of them is particularly cheap either.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: Mango People Hub    [ 21-07-2011 18:30 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: WPCentral     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A new video from Microsoft is showing off some of the functionality of the People Hub feature in the Mango update for Windows Phone. The video demonstrates the Live Tile system with contacts able to be pinned to the homescreen. The point of pinning a contact like that is to allow the Live Tile to then make you aware when that particular person has attempted to contact you, whether through an old fashioned phone call or a text or an email or whatever else. When you activate that tile the person in question's card is brought up for you to see an overview of the history you have with that person.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Nokia Q2 Results: 'Clearly Disappointing'    [ 21-07-2011 18:25 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Nokia     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nokia have released their Q2 2011 earnings numbers and they are not good. That's to put it mildly. Operating profits have nosedived 44% since Q1 of this year, down 44% from 704 million euros to 391 million euros. Sales are down too; net sales declined 23% since Q1 2011 and 20% from Q2 last year.

Speaking about the numbers Nokia CEO Stephen Elop summed it up by saying they were 'clearly disappointing'. That's a bit of an understatement, but Elop is at least being candid about it. Of course there was some spin to the numbers, as you would expect. The spin took the form of inferring that the damage could have been worse "... I believe our actions to mitigate the impact of these challenges have started to have a positive impact on the underlying health of our business". That may or may not be true, but the fact still remains that these figures aren't looking very rosy.

Elop also talked a bit about Windows Phone saying that the market has shifted away from competing through individual handsets to a "... war of ecosystems". It seems a bit late in the day to be making that statement frankly, the situation Elop is describing here has been in existence for a while now and Nokia's sluggish response to it is arguably one of the reasons why the company find sitself in the position it is in now.

Overhadowing all of this though is the prospect of Nokia's first Windows Phone handset. With poor figures like those shown today the pressure on that device to be a rip roaring success has intensified. If Nokia doesn't see a hefty bump in its fortunes after it is launched then many will be looking to Elop and questioning his strategy.

Rating: Rating: 1

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