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Wednesday 20 July 2011

Apple Has Its Best Quarter Ever, Profits Up 125%    [ 20-07-2011 19:30 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Apple     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple have been doing some brisk business lately, beating analysts expectations and seeing their share price climbing ever higher.Analysts had predicted revenue for $24.92 billion for Q3 of the fiscal 2011 year. Apple came back with revenue of $28.57 billion, a cool $3.5 billion more than predicted. It was pretty much the same story on the sales front with the predictions running that Apple would sell 16.5 million iPhones, 7.8 million iPads and 4.2 million Macs. In reality Apple shifted 20.34 million iPhones, 9.25 million iPads and 3.95 million Macs.

Those sales figures represent a 142% increase in iPhones sales year on year and a 183% increase, year on year, for iPad sales. The Mac sales saw a relatively modest, in comparison to the other figures, rise of 14% year on year. Interestingly enough though iPod sales declined by 20% year on year. The bottom line with all of this was Apple reporting that profits had increased by 125%.

There isn't anything to spin here, it's been a terrific fiscal Q3 for Apple. Revenue is up and so are sales. You can't really argue with that. It is in fact Apple's best quarter ever. That record could be broken soon of course given that Apple has a new iPhone lined up with a release widely expected later this year.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Standards    [ 20-07-2011 17:58 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: XKCD     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Even though I am a big XKCD fan I don't normally post about the comic strip here, assuming that all our readers, being the true geeks that we are, will of course be reading XKCD themselves. However, I simply had to share this particular strip with you as it sums up the mobile industry brilliantly, even if it is meant to reflect the wider issue of standards, not just in the case of mobile phones. Enjoy!

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Infographic: Android vs iOS Advertising    [ 20-07-2011 17:47 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: inneractive     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

There are a multitude of ways to compare Android and iOS, but one that most of you probably haven't thought much about (or cared much about in all honesty) is their attractiveness and success in terms of advertising. This rather informative infographic lays out the details though and it makes for intereting reading.

Of the two Android has the greater global reach i.e. global fill rate. Essentially this is a measurement of how likely it is that an advert will actually be seen. Android's global fill rate is 87% compared with iOS' 78%. Not an inconsiderable lead for Android and a reflection of how quickly Android has grown as a platform. On that basis you would think that Android would be the obvious choice for advertisers given that more people are likely to see their adverts. It's not quite as simple as that though.

Another measurement of advertising effectiveness is how likely people are to click on an advert and follow it through. Seeing the advert is great of course, but unless people actually do something about it then it doesn't amount to much. It's with this, the click through rate, that iOS shines forth, being more than twice as likely to click on an advert as their Android cousins.

Another interesting factor to come from this data set is the average lifespan of apps on each platform. For Android an app lasts, on average, 5 months or so before starting to decline in popularity. iOS apps on the other hand start to decline sooner, at the 3 or 4 month stage. However, with iOS apps reaching their maximum potential faster than Android apps advertisers can look forward to engaging with their taget audience faster.


Rating: Rating: 1

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Sea Ray Specs Leak    [ 20-07-2011 17:22 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Gadgetian     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

After yesterday's video flirtation the Nokia Sea Ray, the company's first Windows Phone device, is once again revealing some of its secrets. Well allegedly. Gadgetian has published what it says are a list of the handset's specifications. These can't be confirmed yet so as usual have the salt at the ready.

Ok so what will the handset (supposedly) have? Well there is quad-band GSM support, but that's pretty much a given. HSPA support is there too, on both 900 and 2100 MHz bands. The handset is said to sport a gorilla glass display, accelerometer, 8 MP camera (with LED flash), WiFi n support with DLNA and a digital compass thrown in for good measure. I won't bother going over the standard stuff e.g. Bluetooth, 3.5mm jack, etc, that's all in there too.

Now you might have noticed that I didn't mention the processor in that little list and for good reason. The processor wasn't one of the specs leaked. Frustrating I know. We shall simply have to bide our time for that one folks.

Rating: Rating: 1

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