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Thursday 27 January 2011

RIM Can't Comply With Indian Email Spy Request    [ 27-01-2011 21:09 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You may or may not remember the fuss over various governemnts around the world demanding access to RIM's user data like Messenger conversations and emails. You may have thought the whole thing was effectively done and dusted, but in India at least that seems to be far from the case.

RIM has announced that it won't be complying with the Indian government's request for access to emails sent using Blackberrys. Now before you start patting RIM on the back for taking the high ground and defending the liberty of the individual it looks like this is more of a technical issue than it is an ethical one.

RIM vice president Robert Crow explained to the press "There is no solution. There are no keys to be handed." RIM has goven the Indian government access to Messenger, but it seems that the encryption used for the email service is not playing ball with allowing people to snoop.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Sony Announces PlayStation Suite For Android Games    [ 27-01-2011 19:22 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Sony have put another piece of the PlayStation Phone puzzle in place wih the announcement of the PlayStation Suite, a new platform for offerring game titles to handheld devices. Handheld devices including Android phones and tablets.

The bottom line here is that PlayStation Suite is essentially a Sony owned and run store for selling game titles to various handheld devices. Sony is saying that it will be 'hardware neutral', or in other words it wants it to be available to as many different kinds of device as possible.

Sony will be running a scheme called 'PlayStation Certified', a first party licensing system, and no doubt hope to get some of the game industry's biggest names onboard.

As you would expect there is no word as yet on things like which titles will be avilable at launch or pricing etc, but it is known that your Android device will need to be running at the very least Gingerbread (Android 2.3) to be able to use PlayStation Suite. Even so this is undoutedly the biggest shake-up Android gaming has ever recieved.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Facebook Confirms & Denies Facebook HTC Phone At MWC    [ 27-01-2011 18:45 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Rumours concerning a Facebook phone aren't exactly new, but there was some talk of one being launched at MWC this year. That rumour has been both confirmed and denied by Facebook.

The deal is pretty simple as Facebook's head of business development, Dan Rose, described "... this is really just another example of a manufacturer who has taken our public APIs and integrated them into their device in an interesting way".

That sounds decidedly like he's talking about a standard HTC handset that hasn't had any great input from Facebook themselvs, but which might have some nice Facebook integration options. Rose pretty much confirms that viewpoint when he says that Facebook are not branding the phone and describing rumours that Facebook had major involvement with the device as being 'overblown'.

So whilst we will probably see an HTC device with some interesting Facebook options we are almost certainly not going to see a Facebook branded and marketed smartphone.

Rating: Rating: 1

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HTC Handset Sans Buttons    [ 27-01-2011 18:44 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A beautiful buttonless blank slate. You may be thinking of an Apple device at the moment, but Iam in fact talking about an HTC device that has popped up.

The handset, as mentioned, features no buttons, well no hardware buttons at least. The black panel at the bottom of the handset could very well contain some touch sensitive buttons when powered up.

You will also notice that the handset has Verizon branding on it, at the top, which means it's CDMA and U.S. bound.

That's pretty much everything known about the handset at the moment, there's not even a codename yet as far as I am aware. With MWC just around the corner we might see a bit more of this, and other handsets, but for now just enjoy the picture.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Nokia Smartphone Share Down To 31%    [ 27-01-2011 18:21 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Nokia     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nokia has been releasing its quarterly results, its first quarterly results under Stepehen Elop. There is both good and bad news and the expected promise of doing better.

In terms of smartphones Nokia reports that Q4  volumes reached 28.3 million units, which is up from 20.8 million units year on year and up from 26.5 million units in Q3. Not too shabby ... well actually this is where we get to the bad part. You see despite the volume haven risen  this still only accounts for a 31% share of the smartphone market. Thats's a bit of a tumble from the 40% share Nokia enjoyed back in Q4 2009 and even as late as Q3 2010 Nokia still commanded a 38% share.

No specific sales figures for the N8 were given despite this being the first period when a full report on it could have been delivered.

The man at the top had something to say about all of this as you would expect: In Q4 we delivered solid performance across all three of our businesses, and generated outstanding cash flow. Additionally, growth trends in the mobile devices market continue to be encouraging. Yet, Nokia faces some significant challenges in our competitiveness and our execution. In short, the industry changed, and now it's time for Nokia to change faster.

Elop went on to follow that statement up by saying that Nokia has to "... build or join a competitive ecosystem ...". This brings us back to the old debate of whether or not Nokia should get onboard with Android or Windows Phone 7. There are people for and against this sort of thing, but either way it's probably not the option Nokia will pick first. More likely they will continue to try doing it their own way, at least for the time being.

Rating: Rating: 1

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