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Friday 28 January 2011

HP Planning More Announcements For 14th March    [ 28-01-2011 18:05 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: BBC     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You may not have heard of Leo Apotheker before, but he's the CEO of HP. The reason you may not have heard of him until now is because he hasn't really been saying very much to be blunt. Well that's changed with an interview he gave to the BBC.

For starters Apotheker says he wants HP to be as 'cool' as Apple. A bit of a tall order to grab that kind of mindshare, but you have to appreciate the fact that he's aiming high. He also commented that HP would be seeking to reduce ship times as part of this drive to grab mindshare. For example, the products that HP will announce on 9th February will ship just a few weeks later.

Speaking of 9th February the products that will be announced will be HP branded apparently so it seems that the Palm brand is going the way of the dinosaur.

February is just the start though because Apotheker is looking towards 14th March as the date when we will see a "vision of what HP is capable of in the future". That sound spretty exciting truth be told, especially as Apotheker puts that statement in some context when he says that HP will be trying to tie their large product portfolio together.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Facebook For Android Gets Location Based Ads    [ 28-01-2011 17:10 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Facebook     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Facebook for Android has another update available and this time it's bringing you location based deals.

It's pretty simple really; you check-in with Facebook Places, which was rolled out in a December update, and if any local business has an offer for you it shows up with a yellow icon next to its name.

Granted that this isn't exactly a new concept, FourSquare having been dipping its toe in the water, for example, but Facebook has something a lot of other companies don't ... half a billion users. Hence this latest push at location based advertising could be the one that really sees it being popularised even if it's through sheer weight of numbers rather than finesse.

Of course it all depends upon how useful the deals are, if they're none too exciting this could fizzle out before it starts, but either way if you want to go check it out for yourself just head on over to the Market on your Android handset and try it out.

Rating: Rating: 1

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RIM PlayBook Production In Top Gear Ahead Of March Launch    [ 28-01-2011 16:58 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: DigiTimes     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Whispers of delays in launching the BlackBerry PlayBook look to be put to bed as DigiTimes reports that Quanta, the firm responsible for actually manufacturing the devices, has production in full swing.

Apparently the Chinese manufacturer is building somewhere in the region of 150,000-200,000 units a month with RIM apparently having made a total order for a million for the first quarter of this year. The PlayBook will undoutedly form one of the key components in RIM's 2011 strategy and many will be looking to see how well it performs, especially as RIM has been seen to 'slide' in recent years with a bevy of products that are increasingly regarded as being behind the curve (no pun intended). The Wi-Fi only version of the device is expected to launch come March with the 3G and 4G versions scheduled for a bit later in the first half of 2011.

Rating: Rating: 2

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ZTE Knocks Apple Into 5th Place & RIM Into 'Other' As It Becomes 4th Largest Manufacturer    [ 28-01-2011 16:57 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Some very bad news for RIM as market analysis firm IDC release figures showing the market positions of the world's top handset makers ... RIM has been knocked out of the top 5 and is now in the 'Other' category.

It's all down to Chinese consumer electronic manufacturer ZTE, which has zoomed into the top 5, knocking RIM out, and sending Apple into 5th place. Yes that's right ZTE is now the world's 4th largest handset maker according to IDC.

Year on year ZTE grew by a very healthy 76.8% and despite Apple seeing better growth at 86.2% Apple's handset shipments were only 16.2 million for Q4 2010 whereas ZTE managed to ship 16.8 million.

The standings at the very top remained unchanged with Nokia taking the top spot as usual, Samsung in second and LG in third. If RIM wants back into the exclusive club the big boys play in it's going to have to push those new Blackberrys we've been seeing leak very hard in deed.

Rating: Rating: 1

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