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Tuesday 22 February 2011

Microsoft 'Real Time Trials' Shows Off Zippy Win Phone 7    [ 22-02-2011 19:02 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket Now     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft are releasing a series of video called 'Real Time Trials' with the message that you shouldn't spend so long using your phone. An odd message from a company hoping you will buy into its new smartphone platform perhaps, but there is method behind the madness.

The videos focus on various tasks that people might want to use their smartphone for and showcases just how quickly you can get these things done using Windows Phone 7. The message being that you can spend more time doing stuff you like rather than having to waste time trying to get your clunky old smartphone to do what its told.

Microsoft aren't exactly renowned for their savvy use of advertising (check out an old Steve Ballmer advert below for proof), but with Windows Phone 7 they seem to have hit something of a stride in getting the message out. Whilst thos eof us who are geeks might think this sort of video is a bit simplistic it will probably hit a note with the average user who isn't quite as enamoured with every little nuance of smartphone use.

Here is that Steve Ballmer video I promised (warning: it's pretty bad):

Rating: Rating: 3

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Samsung Phones Not Playing Nice With Win Phone 7 Update    [ 22-02-2011 18:43 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: ZDNet UK     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Today's minor itsy bitsy teeny weeny Windows Phone 7 update (you know, the one that doesn't bring copy/paste?) seems to have gotten off to a rather bad start for some Samsung users.

As anyone does in a crisis these days the affected Samsung users turned to Twitter to vent their frustration at problems with the update. It boils down to the update not always completing with some seeing error messages and to cap it all off there is apparently no means to rolling back to their previous firmware version so that their phone will actually work.

Now call me old fashioned but I think that sending out an update that results in a mass bricking of customers' handsets is not a good thing and definitely something the engineers will have been trying to avoid. To be fair the update process is being taken slowly so hopefully the issue can be resolved before too many people suffer a bricked phone. Of course that does little to help the poor buggers already affected.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Video: Verizon XOOM Advert, Very Machismo    [ 22-02-2011 18:35 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: DroidLife     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

As far as material committed to film goes it's hardly Ben Hur, in fact Verizon's first Moto XOOM advert lasts less than 20 seconds. It's definitely in keeping with previous advertising for Motorola products on the American network i.e. masculine and aimed squarely at men. Not that I'm saying no woman would want to be encased by a robotic jetback and blasted off into the stratosphere, but it just seems like more of a boys toys thing. Anyhoo here's the video:

Rating: Rating: 1

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Angry Birds Coming To Win Phone & 3D    [ 22-02-2011 18:22 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Everyone's favourite enraged avians will shortly be landing on Windows Phone 7 as Rovio Mobile has confirmed that it is working on a version of Angry Birds for the platform. Interestingly enough it seems that any delay in bringing the super popular game to Windows Phone might have been due to none other than Microsoft ...

Peter Vesterbacka, Rovio's 'Mighty Eagle', commented "Let's just say, Microsoft has a lot of lawyers." Ouch! That doesn't sound like a recipe for plain sailing now does it? Presumably Microsoft much be feeling some anxiety over not having one of the biggest, if not the biggest, mobile gaming title available for their platform.

Apart from run ins with the Big M Rovio are also working on a 3D version of Angry Birds because ... well I don't actually know to be honest, but apparently these days everything is better in 3D. With gaming systems like the Nintendo 3DS and handsets like the Optimus 3D coming to market I suppose there is now the hardware there to actually run such a game.

As for when we can expect to see any of this I'm afraid your guess is as good as mine. Windows Phone users and 3D enthusiasts will just have to keep watching the skies for those Angry Birds

Rating: Rating: 2

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iPhone 5 Delayed?    [ 22-02-2011 18:12 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Unwired View     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple will almost certainly announce a new iPhone this year and the safe money has of course been on summer for that announcement. It's happened around summer every year since 2007 so why not this year right? Well one analyst is daring to buck that trend and suggest that this year's new iPhone will in fact not make an appearance until much later in the year, possibly September.

Business Insider, quoting FBR Capital Markets analyst Craig Berger, says that Apple is apparently having difficulties with hardware suppliers and as such they may not be fully ready to ship the necessary components for the new iPhone in time.

It's not the only Apple products rumoured to be delayed, the iPad 2 was said to be experiencing delays too, but Reuters seems to have put paid to that particular rumour with an unnamed source 'familiar with the matter' saying it isn't so

Rating: Rating: 2

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