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Friday 04 February 2011

Nokia Tipped To Announce Win Phone 7 Partnership On Feb 11th    [ 04-02-2011 15:44 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: New York Times     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Ever since Stephen Elop took over as CEO of Nokia speculation has been mounting that Nokia would jump onboard with a new operating system, with most of the speculation centering around Windows Phone 7. The rumours have come and gone repeatedly, but adding to the mix is a New York times article today that is suggesting an immininent announcement of a Windows Phone 7 partnership.

Mr Elop is due to give a speech to investors in London on 11th February and this is being touted as the moment where such an announcement may be made. Gartner analyst Carolina Milanesi explained "I don't know if this is just wishful thiking, but it could definitely be the big announcement we are expecting".

Nokia's share price has been rising for four days, climbing 1.5% on Thursday to $11.20, and the speculation that there could be some sort of strategic announcement seems to be adding fuel to the fire. Nokia has been close mouthed towards analysts when it comes to the 11th February event, an indication perhaps that something big is brewing. Mr Elop himself had made some suggestive comments back at the end of January when he suggested that Nokia was considering joining other 'ecosystems'.

A partnership between Nokia and Microsoft would certainly seem like a good match with both companies seeking to re-establish themselves in the smartphone market. Before anyone gets too excited though remember that this is still speculation at this stage. We will just have to wait and see, and hope

Rating: Rating: 1

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Ice Cream To Feature Elements Of Honeycomb?    [ 04-02-2011 14:56 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Phandroid     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Android versions can be hard to follow at times, especially now that Honeycomb (Android 3.0) is intended for tablet devices whilst Gingerbread (Android 2.3) is the latest incarnation of the OS for smartphones. I'm not even going to get into how that fits in context with Chrome OS.

The next version of Android for smartphones is widely expected to be called 'Ice Cream' and launch some time later this year. Now Phandroid is running a piece citing a 'trusted source' as saying that Ice Cream will feature certain elements from Honeycomb, just to add to the confusion. To be fair Honeycomb does have some nice stuff that would be great to see brought over to smartphones e.g. UI elements and hardware acceleration.

The actual release date for Ice Cream isn't known yet, but Google has been attempting to space out the intervals between major releases, no doubt to help with fragmentation, which has been something of an annoyance in the past

Rating: Rating: 2

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Samsung Galaxy S 2 To Have 4.5 Inch Screen    [ 04-02-2011 14:44 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Tweakers.net     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

MWC promises to bring many new handsets and one of the most anticipated has been the Samsung Galaxy S, which, unlike the Xperia Play, hasn't actually had every last nut and bolt leaked on the internet.

So far we know that it will have a Super AMOLED display and a dual-core processor. Well now Tweakers.net is citing an industry source as saying that the Super AMOLED display will be a rather gargantuan (for a smartphone anyway) 4.5 inches. Yes 4.5. Also on the cards is Gingerbread (Android 2.3), but I guess that's not as much of a surprise.

The AT&T Infuse 4G also has a 4.5 inch screen so the best guesses at the moment are that the Galaxy S 2 will not be totally disimilar to that

Rating: Rating: 4

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The Daily - Unofficially Free On The Web    [ 04-02-2011 14:42 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The Daily, the new iPad only (indeed American iPad only) 'newspaper' that was recently launched with much fanfare is now available for free on the web. Sort of.

For those who haven't been keeping up The Daily is Rupert Murdoch's latest attempt at reversing the trend of free digital news by launching an iPad based newspaper with a subscription model. It's a full on publiction with its own editorial staff so it isn't just re-posting news collected by others. The thing is though that it is only available via the iPad and for the moment only in America.

The internet doesn't like limitations placed upon information and so programmer Andy Baio has whipped up a Tumblog that gathers up The Daily's content on, appropriately enough, a daily basis and posts it up as a serie of links. The articles themslves are hosted on The Daily's website. I have no idea how long it will be before The Daily decides to take action against this, or even if they will, but if you don't have an iPad and want to see what all the fuss is about head here and check it out.

Rating: Rating: 4

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