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Tuesday 02 August 2011

Infrographic: USA Most Expensive For Mobile Data    [ 02-08-2011 17:22 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Visually     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

An interesting wee infographic here showing comparable data pricing across a range of different countries. The stand out item here is America'sposition as the most expensive country, on average, for 2 GB worth of mobile data. Most of the developed countries on the list are considerably cheaper, with Japan being the cheapest. You can check out all the gory details in the graphic below.

Rating: Rating: 3

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iPhone 5 Launching In October, Not September?    [ 02-08-2011 16:33 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: All Things Digital     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Yes it is indeed another iPhone rumour ... looks it's the season for it ok? Lately eyes have been turning to September on the calendar as the release window for the iPhone 5, but All Things Digital are reporting that the launch window will be in October instead. Sources close to Apple have informed them that late October is a more likely date than the more widely anticipated early September date.

The September theory was given more impetus by the fact that AT&T in America had cancelled holidays during that time, widely seen as a sign of an incoming iPhone launch. All Things Digital's source says of this "I don't know why AT&T's calling for all hands on deck those weeks, but it's not for an iPhone launch". The China Times is also on record as reporting a launch date of 6th September.

So if it's not September then it looks like we will be waiting an extra month. On the bright side that's an extra month of more iPhone rumours!

Rating: Rating: 4

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Analyst Says iPhone 5 Might Have More Than Expected    [ 02-08-2011 16:29 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A fairly persistent rumour surrounding the forthcoming next generation iPhone is that it will be a relatively minor update from the iPhone 4. One analysts is bucking that trend though by saying that the next iPhone will in fact be a more substantial step forward than is currently believed.

Shaw Wu, an analyst at Sterne Agee, cites anonymous sources inside Apple's supply partners as indicating that the next iPhone will feature a bigger display than the iPhone 4, but retain the same basic design although thinner. Wu also backs up the claim that the iPhone 5 will be featuring the dual-core A5 chip even though some reports have said that there are problems with the chip. Wu added cold water to the LTE support theory, saying that the next iPhone will not feature it, the reasons being a lack of widespread coverage and battery issues.

Rating: Rating: 5

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Canalys Report: Android Dominating & Samsung Could Do Better    [ 02-08-2011 15:51 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Canalys     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Canalys have published their results for world wide smartphone sales for Q2 of 2011 and the results make for interesting reading. Leading the pack is Android of course with a global market share of 48%. Whilst you probably expected to see Android come out on top what is a little more surprising is just how many markets Android leads in. Of the 56 countries Canalys examined Android was the leading platform in 35 of them.

Overall the market grew by a very healthy 73% year on year. Android though saw even more impressive growth with shipments up by a whopping 379% year on year. Android has seen particular success in APAC countries like South Korea where it controls 85% of the market, no doubt thanks to the popularity of home grown manufacturers Samsung and LG.

iOS isn't doing too badly either with a global market share of 19%. That means iOS is now the second largest smartphone platform worldwide, having overtaken Symbian during Q2. Apple also overtook Nokia on another front, becoming the world's largest single provider of smartphones.

Whilst Canalys was full of praise for Apple and the success it has made of the iPhone they were more critical of Samsung. Acknowledging the success of the Galaxy S II Canalys commented upon Samsuung not making better use of the current upheavals experienced by Nokia for even better growth. Indeed Canalys thinks Samsung has wasted an opportunity so far with regards to supplanting Nokia in emerging markets. It's not all criticism though, after all Samsung overtook Nokia in the production of smartphones, now being second only to Apple.

Rating: Rating: 2

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