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Wednesday 03 August 2011

HTC Fires Back At Apple    [ 03-08-2011 17:54 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

If you thought Apple's recent legal victory over HTC was the last word in their battle you would be mistaken. HTC have filed an 'invalidation action' against Apple in the UK. In layman's terms an invalidation action is a challenge to a patent and seeks to have the patent declared invalid on the grounds of lack of information or that the holder of the patent didn't actually invent it.

None of this should be particularly surprising to any one who has ever followed a tech patent dispute of course. Lawuits, counter-suits and various other legal wrangling are all par for the course. What HTC are doing is showing that they aren't backing down in this fight and Apple aren't going to be handed victory without a fight.

Rating: Rating: 2

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IE User Low IQ Story Hoax    [ 03-08-2011 17:50 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: BBC     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Mnay major news outlets were recently running a story claiming that Internet Explorer users were found to have, on average, a lower IQ than users of other browsers. The story was carried by many respected organisations such as the BBC, CNN and the Telegraph. Today the story has been shown to be a hoax.

It's the sort of story we tech writers would love to be true for the headlines we could conjure up, but the whole thing seems to have been an elaborate hoax. The story was released by Canadian firm ApTiquant, who were unavailable for comment when the BBC tried to reach them. The basis of the story was pretty simple; IE users displayed a lower than average IQ compared with users of Firefox, Chrome, etc. The claim was backed up by data the firm claims to have gained through conducting tests on 100,000 internet users.

The alarm was raised on the story when it was discovered that the firm's website had only been setup within the last month and that the staff pictures present on the website were in fact taken from a legitimate French firm with no knowledge of ApTiquant. It's still unclear who was behind the hoax or indeed why they pulled it.

Rating: Rating: 3

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RIM Unveils Torch 9810, 9850 & 9860    [ 03-08-2011 17:45 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

RIM have taken the lid off three new handsets (well only two really) in the form of the Torch 9810, Torch 9850 and Torch 9860. The latter two are basically the same handset, with one being GSM and the other CDMA. The Torch 9810 is the touchscreen affair with the slide out QWERTY keyboard you see in the picture. All these handsets run BlackBerry OS 7, the latest iteration of RIM's own OS. Sadly that does mean you will be waiting a little longer for a QNX based BlackBerry.

RIM is 'bigging up' the improvements in BlackBerry OS 7 with these handsets. For example, they claim that it is 40% faster than OS 6 and they're also talking up their Liquid Graphics tech, which uses a dedicated graphics chip for smooth scrolling and all that other sweet stuff when moving around a page. Mind you Engadget are reporting that the Torch 9810 wasn't too hot on loading every webpage they tried, including their onw. They also pointed out that there were some small signs of loading lag.

You can check out Engadget's initial impression in the video below:

Rating: Rating: 3

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