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Thursday 30 September 2010

Sony Ericsson Working On Win Phone 7 Device    [ 30-09-2010 19:40 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: SE-NSE     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Oded Ran, head of Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 UK division, has confimed that Sony Ericsson are working on a handset for the forthcoming platform. In his interview with mymicrosoftlife.com Mr Ran said "Sony Ericsson are working on at least one Windows Phone 7 device." The added emphasis is our own. So not only will Sony Ericsson be joining the ranks of the nascent OS, but it could very well be releasing multiple devices.

Of course this comes on the heels of Sony Ericsson all but ditching Symbian so some may wonder if they are simply swapping one OS for another and the same problem of being over stretched will remain. To be fair Symbian is a tired old platform that has been leaking fans left, right, and centre. Win Phone 7, whilst still an unknown quantity, does at least have a bit of zeitgeist to it and is gaining column inches as the launch approaches. Sony Ericsson could do a lot worse than to at least experiment with what could be a significant platform in the smartphone space.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Samsung Continuum Spotted    [ 30-09-2010 19:39 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

What do we have here then? Why it's the Samsung Continuum, the Galaxy S branded device that's heading to American CDMA network Verizon. There is something rather special about this handset though as you will notice if you study the picture ... see it yet? Yes that's right it has not one, but two displays! The second one is nestled just underneath the softkeys.

This secondary display activates automatically when the lower part of the handset is gripped and it displays the sort of information you'd expect e.g. date, time, RSS Feeds, etc. Shame it's only headed to Verizon, hopefully we will see something similar in the rest of the world.

Rating: Rating: 1

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6 Android Browsers On Test    [ 30-09-2010 19:29 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: PC World     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

One of the great things about Android is that you have real choice when it comes to doing things. You can pick and choose the app or service you want to use for various tasks and one of the most contentious has always been internet browsing. With a plethora of browsers available there is ample debate over which one offers the best experience. Step forward PC World and their testing of six of the leading Android browsers.

They used the default browsers found in Android 2.1 and Android 2.2 alongside Fennec Alpha, Dolphin HD, Opera Mini and Skyfire 2.0. Interestingly enouhg Skyfire beat out Opera Mini, and by a fair margin it has to be said. That was a bit of a shock we have to admit. The stock browser that comes with Froyo doesn't do too badly, coming in at roughly the same speed as Opera Mini.

Things change quite significantly though when the testing moves to loading saved pages. Here Opera Mini reigns supreme and the default browsers both put in excellent performances, beating everything except Opera Mini.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Amazon App Store T&C Document Leaks    [ 30-09-2010 18:44 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Slashgear     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The rumoured Amazon App Store just got a lot more real with the disclosure that Slashgear have gotten their hands on a leaked copy of the terms and conditions for the store. Amongst the highlights are sections on developer royalties, which are "... equal to the greater of (i) 70% of the purchase price or (ii) 20% of the List Price". The document also reveales that devs would have to stump up a $99 annual fee.

Of particular interest is a clause which lets Amazon retain the right to insert its own DRM into apps, something that may well prove controversial amongst developers. Amazon are also insisting that apps launched in their store should be launched no later than the same app in other stores: "The Initial Availability Date must be no later than the first date you permit the App to be listed for pre-order or sale on any Similar Service."

A word of caution at this point, Slashgear haven't yet verified that this document is 100% authentic, but to be fair it seems like a lot of effort to go to just to start a rumour. You can check out the full leaked document here.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Samsung Confirms Commitment to Win Phone 7    [ 30-09-2010 18:26 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Samsung have been confirming their commitment to Microsoft's forthcoming Windows Phone 7 platform, saying that the new OS will be a 'key component of the Samsung smartphone portfolio' and is part of a 'long term commitment'.

Actual specifics of individual handsets weren't forthcoming, but of course given the minimum specifications requirement Win Phone 7 has we can probably take a good stab at what they'll be packing. What Samsung have said, however, is that they have signed a licensing agreement with Microsoft to launch Win Phone 7 devices in the UK before the year is out. They have also promised to launch devices throughout the rest of Europe and Asia and the U.S. in an effort to be one of the leading manufacturers producing Win Phone 7 handsets.

HTC and arch-rival LG are also on the Win Phone 7 bandwagon so it should be no surprise that Samsung is looking to get handsets out the door quickly and in as many markets as possible. Whilst LG may not in prime condition at the moment, its CEO having recently resigned over poor sales, HTC is certainly a competitor for Samsung in this space, given its already high reputation amongst Windows Mobile fans.

Rating: Rating: 1

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