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Wednesday 27 October 2010

Android YouTube App Updated (Even For 2.1 Users!)    [ 27-10-2010 15:43 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Androinica     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google aren't known for standing still when it comes to keeping their Android apps updated and the latest app to get the treatment is YouTube. Let's start with the bad news first though ... if you are running any version of Android below Froyo (Android 2.2) you won't be able to get the update ...

... well no that's not actually true. Whilst Google haven't made the update available to Android 2.1 users the boffins at XDA Developers have! It's not as simple as just downloading the update as you might expect, for starters your device has to be rooted. You also need to make sure the previous version of the YouTube app has been deleted. You can then download the XDA version and install it. You can find all the information you need to perform the procedure here, but remember rooting voids warranties, etc.

As for the update itself it gives the YouTube app a bit of a polish with a cleaner UI and the inclusion of a landscape mode. Importantly though the YouTube app is now a standalone app, which means that future updates will not depend upon your version of Android.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Smartphones Account For 20% Of All Mobiles Shipped    [ 27-10-2010 15:27 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: MediaPost     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Smartphone growth has been nothing short of phenomenol, reflecting the overall growth of the mobile phone in general some might say, but in fact it seems to be going beyond that. New figures from ABI Research show that of all mobile phone shipped in Q2 of this year 19% were smartphones. Let that sink in for a moment, a fifth of all mobile phones shipped in Q2 were smartphones.

That figure means that smartphone shipments increased 12% from Q1 and comparing the situation year on year smartphones saw a 50% jump in shipments.

Whilst most of the attention from tech blogs focuses on the big ticket numbers like the iPhone or the Nexus One or the Motorola Droid there have been increasingly cheaper smartphones available. It's this decrease in price that is leading to their ubiquity. Indeed one might even argue that the only real obstacle in owning and using a smartphone these days is how much you pay, not for the device itself, but to run it.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Rumour: Google Prepping 'Nexus Two' For UK Launch?    [ 27-10-2010 15:25 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: City AM     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google have previously said that there won't be a follow-up to the Nexus One, their own brand Android smartphone that they tried to sell outwith the networks. Well despite those denials City AM are saying that they have sources informing them that Google plans on releasing a Nexus Two (original name eh?) in the UK 'in time for the holidays' i.e. Christmas.

The plan is apparently to sell the device through Carphone Warehouse stores, which would make some sense since Carphone Warehouse is independent of the networks, fitting in with Google's original plan for the Nexus One. There was no mention of a release date, or indeed a release at all, anywhere else in the world. For just now ponder the rumour, but keep the salt shaker ready.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Palm Awards Manufacturing Contract For 6 New Devices    [ 27-10-2010 15:22 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: via BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Time for a juicy rumour! The Taiwan Economic Times, a financial paper from the East Asian Island (i.e. a serious newspaper) is citing the ever loose lipped 'industry sources' as informing them of contracts having been awarded to Foxconn and Compal to start producing five, or maybe even six, brand spanking new Palm devices.

Allegedly the new devices include the much rumoured, but never see, webOS tablet. The devices are supposedly due for release next year, but even if this rumour does come from a reputable source the proof, as ever, is in the pudding.

Rating: Rating: 1

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