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Thursday 28 October 2010

The World's Lamest Put-Down ... Nokia vs Apple    [ 28-10-2010 18:33 ]

Author: Serge Novikov     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

In what might very well be he lamest put down ever Nokia have been mocking Apple for their inability to get a white iPhone out the door. Nokia India made the following tweet today:

There were two things that struck me about this attempt at a bitch slap from Nokia. The first was that the N8 colours aren't exactly what I would call 'brilliant', but thats a matter of personal taste. The second thing, and the more important, is that Nokia are promoting their flagship product, not only through a weak attempt at insulting another company ... but by talking about the fact that it comes in different colours!

Seriously? That's what they're doing to promote the N8? No mention of its camera? Or any of the hardware under the hood? Not even a mention of Ovi services? Well why bother with any of those things when you can talk about the fact that it comes in orange? Hell who needs to bother improving the hardware and software in devices when all you have to do to compete with your rivals is talk about how your device can match the colour of a bowl of pea soup!

Rating: Rating: 3

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Apple To Embed SIMs in iPhones? By-Pass The Networks?    [ 28-10-2010 17:35 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: GigaOM     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Chatter is rising about the posisbility of Apple releasing iPhones that have SIM cards embedded in them, the idea being that customers choose their own network rather than buy their iPhone from a specific carrier. The report, from GigaOM goes like this:

It’s rumored that Apple and Gemalto have created a SIM card, which is typically a chip that carries subscriber identification information for the carriers, that will be integrated into the iPhone itself. Then customers will then be able to choose their carrier at time of purchase at the Apple web site or retail store, or buy the phone and get their handset up and running through a download at the App Store as opposed to visiting a carrier store or calling the carrier. Either way, it reduces the role of the carrier in the iPhone purchase. Gemalto and Apple have not responded to requests for comment.

If any of this sounds vaguely familiar that's because it is. Remember how Google attempted to by-pass the American networks buy selling its Nexus One handset itself? That wasn't exactly a stellar success for Google, not a total abject failure mind you, but hardly a model that others would be rushing to emulate, one would imagine.

An iPhone sold on its own without any subsidies can set you back £500+ ($600-$700). That's a pretty steep price for the average consumer and it's hard to see many giving up the temptation to get their hardware from a network where there is a generous upfront subsidy to take the sting out of the purchase.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Google Lets You Search For Apps From Your iPhone Browser    [ 28-10-2010 17:26 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google have added a handy little feature to their search page rendered on the iPhone; the ability to search through iPhone apps. The new search option is accessed just like any of the other search options like Video, Finance, etc. The results are displayed just like a standard Google search, but with the star ratings alongside the apps and the first line or two of the app's description.

The really nice part is that when you click on one of the results you're taken into the app store all ready to download the app. Great to see Google rolling out this kind of functionality for platforms other than Android.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Apple Lawsuit #1,503,412 - Sued For iPad Trademark Infringment (Again)    [ 28-10-2010 16:54 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

There is just something about Apple that seems to attract lawsuits ...

The trademark for the name 'iPad' has already been contested (unsuccessfully) by Fujitsu, but that hasn't stopped Taiwanese company Proview from claiming that they registered te name back in 2000 and that as such they want $1.5 billion from Apple. The trademark was allegedly registered ins everal countries around the world, but later sold for $55,100 to a US company by the name of 'IP Application Development', which supposedly turned out to be Apple.

Proview make no bones about why they are suing though, their Chairman Yang Rongshan explained "... we will sue them for damages in China and in the US ... we are in big financial trouble and the trademarks are a valuable asset that could help us sort out part of that trouble." At least he's honest about it.

Rating: Rating: 1

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