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Tuesday 26 October 2010

Flash 10.1 For Win Phone On The Horizon    [ 26-10-2010 19:08 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Windows Phone 7 is most definitely still in its infancy and it can still be forgiven for lacking certain things e.g. copy/paste. Of course that honeymoon period doesn't mean that those deficiencies shouldn't be worked on and therefore it's good to see some progress being made on bringing Windows Phone up to speed with the rest of the smartphone world.

What we're talking about of course is that Adobe have let it be known that Flash 10.1, already available on Android, will be winding its merry way to Microsoft's finest in the not too distant future. Whilst Flash support may not be at the top of everyone's wish list for the new platform it does at least dispell one area of criticism.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Steve Threw A Wobbly When Steve Bought Halo Devs    [ 26-10-2010 18:10 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

When you hear that the CEO of a big tech company went bananas over something chances are you immediately think of either Steve Ballmer, or Steve Jobs. Neither Steve is renowned for their quiet measured temprament when someone crosses the line, but in this case it is Mr Jobs who got angry although Mr Ballmer was involved ...

It all centres on Microsoft's acquisition of Bungie, the developers behind Halo, but who had made a splash in developing shooter games for the Mac. When Microsoft gobbled them up to work on Xbox games El Jobso was less than pleased. Former VP of Game Publishing at Microsoft Ed Fries, explained "As soon as we announced we bought Bungie, Steve Jobs called. He was made at Ballmer and phoned him up and was angry because we'd just bought the premier Mac game developer and made them an Xbox developer."

Ballmer was obviously concerned enough about Jobs' temper to ask Fries to do something about it as he continues "... I got an email from Steve Ballmer asking me to phone Steve Jobs and calm him down about the whole thing."

Eventually Jobs' anger was mollified by a deal, in which Microsoft would port over some PC games to the Mac, but two things immediately strike you about this story: 1) no one called Steve who leads a tech company is going to be quiet and demure and 2) if Jobs was so upset why didn't he buy Bungie in the first place?

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: N900 Running Unmodified webOS Games    [ 26-10-2010 15:11 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Maemo.org     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

When the thought of cross platform gaming comes up your first thoughts would probably not be of a Palm Pre/N900 mash-up. However, some intrepid Maemo users have banded together and come up with 'Preenv', which is a package that allows N900 owners to run unmodified webOS games on said N900. Really.

You will need to do the nasty and root your Pre to get at them thar games and your N900 will also have to be rooted if you want a launcher icon for the games, but if you're the type who is givingt his serious consideration we doubt either of those caveats will pose a problem for you.

Rating: Rating: 3

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