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Friday 15 October 2010

How Android Is Taking Over    [ 15-10-2010 20:26 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gigaom     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Who doesn't love a good infographic? Certainly not me, and certainly not me when it's an infographic all about Android!

Rating: Rating: 1

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Sony Ericsson Stays In Profit    [ 15-10-2010 20:12 ]

Author: Irina Turina     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Perennial runner-up Sony Ericsson has released its latest round of figures and as usual the news is something of a mixed bag. On the one hand the company failed to meet market expectations and saw handset shipments fall, but on the other hand they did stay in profit.

Operating income for Q3 was 63 million euros, a vast improvement over Q3 2009 when operating income was -193 million euros. That translated to a net income of 49 million euros for Q3 this year compaed with a 164 million euro loss in the same period last year.

Those figures were based n Sony Ericsson managing to shift 10.4 million handsets during Q3, a drop from the 14.1million they shipped in the same period last year and down from the 11 million they shipped in Q2 of this year. Christmas is coming though so they can expect to see Q4's shipments bounce upwards (hopefully!).

Despite the rather lacklustre performance Sony Ericsson are still maintaining that their goal is to become the world's biggest provider of Android handsets. That's a hell of an ambition with results like these, but credit where it's due, they've cut away the dead wood like Symbian and are embracing change, even if it is a little slow.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Analysts Bullish On Win Phone 7 Prospects    [ 15-10-2010 19:01 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

So far reactions to Microsoft's new Win Phone 7 OS have been generally favourable if cautious about the platform's prospects. Just yesterday one Gartner analyst was predicting that whilst the platform was a good start it would need lower price points to gain traction. Today analysts at IDC have echoed that cautious approach whilst praising the OS for its potential.

Stephen Drake from IDC said "The next 4-6 months are critical for Microsoft and 2011 will be a critical year for the company. Microsoft has a small window to get consumers and individual-liable users excited about WP7 as a new set of competitive smartphones and tablets come to market in the early part of next year."

IDC laid out four main criteria for Windows Phone 7 to meet in order to strike success in the market; a top notch user experience, a large distribution network, good marketing and engagement with developers. To be fair to Microsoft it looks as if they have tried very hard indeed to satisfy each of those criteria and so far they seem to have gotten it right. Marketing alone will see Microsoft spend a reported $500 million with well received adverts having already been released, and they have been very pro-active in recruiting developers not to mention signing up some 30 networks around the world to sell their new handsets.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Angry Birds For Android Goes Live & Free!    [ 15-10-2010 18:21 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: http://www.eweek.com     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Angry Birds is probably the most eagerly anticipated game for Android this year, arguably ever in fact and it is finally available in its full form. The game had previously been released as a free beta product for Android users to try out, but today saw the release of the real deal, but not in Android's own Market.

The game went live on getjar and it seems that they weren't up to the task of handling the enormous demand for the game. getjar's website has been experiencing problems all day and actually downloading the game has been impossible for many given the current demand. It's a popular game sure, but why all the demand? Well probably because it has been released free on getjar. It is ad supported so unlike its counterpart on the iPhone there is no upfront cost for the game.

If you want to give it a go you will need to be patient though, getjar's download servers still seem to be experiencing problems.

Rating: Rating: 2

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