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Tuesday 19 October 2010

Apple Sees iPhone Sales Rise - 14.1 Million In Last Quarter    [ 19-10-2010 17:17 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: http://crackberry.com     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple continued to perform well during its fiscal fourth quarter this year (which ended on 25th September). Revenue stood at $20.34 billion and profits were $4.31 billion. Those numbers represent a significant increase on last year's figures for the same period, which were $12.21 billion and $2.53 billion respectively.

Much of that success no doubt came from the 14.1 million iPhones Apple mangaed to sell during that last quarter, a staggering 91% increase over the same period the year before. Apple also managed to shift some 4.19 million iPads during the quarter for a total of 7.46 million units sold. Even so Apple is still facing the prospect of Android surpassing its iPhone in terms of volume sales.

Steve Jobs, making an uncharacteristic appearance during the earnings call this year, did take time to mention that the iPhone had outsold RIM's Blackberry devices for the first time, a feat that Jobs thought RIM would not be able to recover from in order to overtake the iPhone. Jobs also hinted at some surprises left for 2010, whether that's the usual Apple hyperbole or a CDMA based iPhone remains to be seen ...

Rating: Rating: 3

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Pre 2 Made Official, Available This Week In France    [ 19-10-2010 16:47 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: http://www.digitimes.com/     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

HP have stepped forth and ended the speculation surrounding the Pre 2 ... by announcing it. The new handset, as seen in leaked pictures before now, will launch on SFR in France this Friday with Verizon in the U.S. and an unnamed Canadian network getting their hands on it in the coming weeks. No word as yet of availability on any other networks or in any more countries.

The handset keeps the same basic design as the original Pre, but there are some tweaks here and there, not to mention some hefty improvements beneath the hood, The display will be glass with a 'sleeker, streamlined design' or to put it another way it's a Pre only thinner. The processor has been beefed up to 1 Ghz and the camera will also see a boost to 5 MP.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the Pre 2, like the original, is the underlying OS powering the device. webOS 2.0 will see some new features introduced such as HP Synergy for linking up email and social media accounts alongside support for Adobe Flash 10.1 beta. HP are also promising users 'true multitasking'.

You can go check it out in more detail at the dedicated portal HP have setup.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Andy Rubin & Iain Dodsworth Lay The Smack Down On El Jobso    [ 19-10-2010 16:28 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Steve Jobs isn't known for being shy and yesterday's Android bashing during a Q&A session has stirred up quite the hornet's nest!

To give you the jist of the conversation Jobs said that he didn't think that Android was as open as is being claimed and that consumers wanted something that worked rather than what Jobs claimed to be fragmentation on Android's part. By way of example Jobs illustrated how many different Android handsets there are using a chart TweetDeck had created from data gleaned from their beta programme on Android. Jobs claimed that this showed how difficult it was to design apps for multiple handsets and iterations of an OS, Jobs labelling it a 'daunting challenge'.

So that was Steve Jobs' position yesterday. Today, however, Jobs has come under fire from both Google's Andy Rubin, the man in charge of Android, and Iain Dodsworth, CEO of TweetDeck. Let's take a look at what Andy said first though because it is both wonderfully geeky and a tremendously elegant way of refuting Jobs assertion that Android is not as open as it is made out to be. Rubin tweeted the following:

For the non-geeks amongst you what Rubin is doing there is demonstrating how to download and compile the latest version of Android and thus demonstrating its openness to all. Touché.

Dodsworth was equally as succicnt in refuting Jobs' claim that developing TweetDeck for multiple iterations of Android was a 'daunting task'. His first tweet on the matter pretty much sums it up, but he made a second tweet, which underscores just how wrong Jobs got it as Dodsworth explains that TweetDeck has 2 chaps working on its Android version. Let that sink in for a moment ... just 2 chaps for all those different handsets and OS builds. Clearly it's not as daunting a task to TweetDeck as it is to Jobs.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Android 3.0 - Engineering Samples By Xmas, Android 4.0 - 2H 2011    [ 19-10-2010 14:56 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: DigiTimes     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

DigiTimes, the grande dame of Far Eastern stalwart of tech rumours, is reporting that Google will have Android 3.0 wrapped up by the end of the year along with some engineering samples of the sort of hardware that it will eventually run on. Android 3.0, variously attributed as either Gingerbread or Honeycomb (now that Android 4.0 is apparently known as 'Ice Cream') should see the Android platform tweaked and polished to offer a better user experience.

Those looking for more fundamental changes will probably have to wait for the arrival of Android 4.0, which current speculation places at somewhere near the end of next year. It's Android 4.0 that's being touted as the iteration to take Android to the next level and do serious battle with the likes of iOS. In the hear and now though DigiTimes is also saying that Android 3.0 will see Samsung release an updated version of the Tab and that both Motorola and HTC will be bringing out tablet devices running 3.0.

Rating: Rating: 5

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