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Friday 08 October 2010

Galaxy Tab Comes With Porn Button In Romania    [ 08-10-2010 18:36 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Unwired View     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Laughing at funny uses of English in non-English speaking countries is usually reserved for Japanese Engrish, especially when it comes to tech. However, Romania has stepped up to the plate with a doozy of its own courtesy of Samsung and it's Galaxy Tab tablet. The mirth inducing culprit? A Porn button that comes with each and every Galaxy Tab sold in Romania!

I'm sure many of you will be terribly disappointed when I tell you that the 'porn button' is in fact merely the device's Home button, albeit with a very poor translation into Romanian. 'Pornire' is Romanian for 'start' so presumably someone simply cut the end off thinking that the full word wouldn't fit in the given space, although judging by the picture there seems to be plenty of space. You would think though that someone given the task of translating an English term into Romanian would have at least a passing knowledge of English and would more than likely understand what porn meant.

A more suitable term, according to Unwired View, would be 'acasa' meaning 'home'. At any rate the Galaxy Tab is now shipping in Romania with a porn button. How's that for an innovative feature!

Rating: Rating: 2

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T-Mobile Responds On G2 Rooting Issue ... Figure It Out Yourself    [ 08-10-2010 18:36 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Android users are nothing if not an enterprising bunch, but the G2 has been throwing a spanner in the works of late with its built-in security features making rooting the device harder than usual. T-Mobile, the American network exclusively offerring the device, has responded to those concerns with the following statement:

The HTC software implementation on the G2 stores some components in read-only memory as a security measure to prevent key operating system software from becoming corrupted and rendering the device inoperable. There is a small subset of highly technical users who may want to modify and re-engineer their devices at the code level, known as “rooting,” but a side effect of HTC’s security measure is that these modifications are temporary and cannot be saved to permanent memory. As a result the original code is restored.

In other words those wanting to root their G2 are just going to have to figure out a way to do it without T-Mobile's or HTC's help. Not that that is an impossibility, those fabulous men and their flying ... er communications machines, will have this licked in no time is our very confident prediction.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Amazon Sends Out App Store Welcome Pack    [ 08-10-2010 18:11 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

If there was any shred of doubt left in your mind that Amazon were planning on launching their own Android app store prepare to have it removed as Amazon have been sending out welcome packs to prospective devs and Engadget has managed to get its hands on one. There's nothing too surprising within, the main points being:

  • Amazon are focusing on Android here. There's no mention made of any other platform although to be fair there is also no mention that there will never be support for other platforms.
  • Promotional materials for apps are already being accepted, but not the apps themselves. The reason for this is that the necessary binaries required aren't ready yet, but should be within a few weeks.
  • DRM will be at the devs discretion, it is up to them to choose whether or not to use it.
  • Devs can include videos in their app description. Very cool, and not something seen in any other app store yet.
  • Amazon retains the right to vet apps submitted to it store and won't be allowing anything 'offensive', which they are defining as 'what you would expect' e.g. porn.

The real question on most peoples' lips though is how well this is going to do? Will customers pop over to Amazon's store in favour of Google's Market? Will Amazon's apparently tighter control be a good thing a la Apple? Will it gain a critical mass of apps? Only time will tell ...

Click here to read the full welcome pack.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Microsoft Inks Deal To License 74 Palm Patents    [ 08-10-2010 17:58 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Tech companies are a litigious bunch, they seem to delight in suing one another at the drop of a hat before kissing and making up with a friendly licensing agreement. Well Microsoft have done the latter, taking one for the team and signing an agreement to use some 74 former Palm patents bought up by Acacia Research and Access. The patents are older Palm intellectual property, in their pre-webOS days and Acacia's CEO, Paul Ryan, described them as 'foundational' to the current smartphone market.

For their part Microsoft released the usual corporate statement after the agreement was a done deal: "By focusing on efficiently licensing patented innovations from other companies, we’re free to develop great software and we’re able to provide our partners and customers [intellectual property] peace-of-mind".

Acacia had used its ownership of the patents to file lawsuits against several companies, including RIM and Samsung. At least Microsoft won't have to worry about that now, instead they can get back to the task of being the one to sue others ... watch out Moto!

Rating: Rating: 1

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