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Thursday 07 October 2010

WSJ Says Verizon Definitely Getting iPhone    [ 07-10-2010 14:45 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: WSJ     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The interwebz were all of a flutter with chatter over U.S. CDMA network Verizon possibly getting its hands on a CDMA version of the iPhone by early next year. The speculation came about as a result of a piece published by the Wall Street Journal and some had wondered if perhaps the WSJ piece was a little vague, perhaps deliberately so. Well today the WSJ followed up with a decidedly non-vague article that nailed it right down.

AT&T Inc. is about to lose its lock on the iPhone.
Apple Inc. is making a version of its iPhone that Verizon Wireless will sell early next year, according to people familiar with the matter, ending an exclusive deal with AT&T and sharpening the competition with Google Inc.-based phones.

That seems pretty definitive to us. Of course this assumes that the WSJ's sources are correct ...

Rating: Rating: 2

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HTCSense.com Goes Live    [ 07-10-2010 14:27 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

HTC has launched their new HTCSense.com service, which offers users the ability to remotely operate and locate their handset. The service also offers such standard features as backing up data, but its the location service and the ability to remotely lock or wipe a lost or stolen handsets that will undoutedly prove the biggest attraction. The service was announced last month at a London event where HTC introduced two new handsets, the Desire HD and the Desire Z.

That leads us to the bad news here because HTCSense.com, as launched, only supports those two, as yet unreleased, handsets. Not much use for most people yet, but HTC should hopefully roll out support to more of its handsets as we move forward. Certainly owners of the original Desire would be a large demographic who would almost certainly appreciate this service.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Who Are The Winners In The Mobile World?    [ 07-10-2010 14:03 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Asymco     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

I like numbers. I like statistics. I like graphs. You can imagine therefore that I simply couldn't resist taking a look at these very interesting graphs produced by Asymco, which examine the state of the various mobile manufacturers in terms of their market share and profit share.

There are three graphs here so let's take a moment to explain each and what it means. The first one, below, shows how each of the major players have performed over the past three years. If the arrow is heading upwards it means that company's profit share is increasing, whilst down means it's decreasing. Similarly if the arrow is heading to the right it means that company's market share is increasing, and decreasing if it is heading left.

The most striking trends are from Apple and Nokia, which are mirror opposites of each other in this graph. Apple's profits have soared, but its marketshare increase is nowhere near as dramatic. Nokia on the otherhand has seen its marketshare decline, but gradually rather than entering freefall, but its profit share is tanking. RIM is doing quite nicely, increasing both profit and market share at a steady, if not rapid, rate, whilst mirror image, Sony Ericsson, sees the same trend, but in reverse.

The next two graphs help to paint a clear picture of where each manufacturer currently stands, as well as offerring a comparison with their positions in 2007, and what a difference 3 years can make for some! Nokia again stands out here for all the wrong reasons. Back in 2007 they were very firmly entrenched in the 'Dominant' zone, having a clear lead over everyone else. Fast forward to 2010 and whilst their marketshare is still a good measure ahead of the competition they have dropped from 'Dominant' to 'Fading' as their proft share collapses.

Apple, for all the hype and fanboysim, has barely moved in terms of marketshare. Granted they came from 0% in the mobile space, but whilst profit share has risen very rapidly they are nowhere near being a 'Dominant' player with such a small share of the overall market. Samsung is the reverse of Apple's coin, having seen their marketshare rise, but their profit share, at best, remaining constant, and at worst decreasing.

One last observation is also a rather sad one. If you look at Sony Ericsson's position in 2007 the company was actually ahead of most of the rest; it's profit share was the third highest and its marketshare was behind only the 'big boys' of Nokia, Samsung, and Motorola (yes Moto used to be a big boy). Not bad for a relatively small manufacturer. By 2010 Sony Ericsson's was one of the lowest in terms of profit share and its marketshare had all but crumbled. Sad in so many ways.

Rating: Rating: 1

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