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Tuesday 05 October 2010

Apple Fights $600 Million Damages Claim    [ 05-10-2010 20:12 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: BBC     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple is fighting a decision made by a U.S. court that would see it have to pay out more than $600 million in damages for patent infringement. The infringment was alleged by Mirror Worlds over patents it holds for technology to display information on computer screens. The products said to be at the root of the infringement include CoverFlow, Apple's popular graphical display for album art.

Mirror Worlds had claimed that four of its patents were infringed, but a jury decided that only three had been infringed. However, the jury awarded Mirror Worlds $208.5 million for each infringement, which would put the damages at some of the highest in U.S. legal history.

Apple has now asked that the decision be delayed because it says that two of the three patents had unresolved issues. If Apple is able to argue its case successfully the total damages could be reduced to $208.5 million. Apple and Mirror Worlds are said to be submitting documents and Mirror Worlds founder David Gelertner said that he was 'tremendously grateful' to his lawyers.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Win Phone 7 App Store Being Finalised    [ 05-10-2010 18:30 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Windows Phone Dev Blog     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Windows Phone 7 is just around the cornerand as we get closer and closer to launch day the final pieces of the jigsaw are being put into place. One of the most important pieces, perhaps even the most important piece, is the app store. No modern smartphone OS can get by without an app store and Microsoft has been finalising its Windows Marketplace for the launch.

Microsoft have taken a very pro-active stance when it comes to launching with a good selection of apps, even going so far as to pay developers to code apps for its new platform. Starting from today Microsoft will be sending forth invitations to registered devs asking them if they want to participate in an early submission process. It's estimated that a few thousand devs will be able to gain early access and get their apps published in time for the launch of the handsets, which most now believe will take place in either late October or perhaps early November depending upon region.

Microsoft summed up its approach to its app store in a blog post and it's worth quoting here:

There are several app store models out there today, but we’ve been given a unique opportunity to start from scratch and launch a Marketplace with one great year of experience under our belt. As I said earlier, our approach is philosophically the same. But now we know how to do it better. We’re focused on enabling a broad developer community to create quality apps and games that take advantage of the unique features of our phone, and we’re providing better tools and guidance to do it. We continue to keep our certification standards high and our policies transparent, while keeping the door closed to more questionable content. We also continue to improve the speed and predictability of our certification process so developers can more accurately plan.

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Android Most Popular U.S. Smartphone OS    [ 05-10-2010 18:17 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Nielsen     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Figures concerning Android's meteoric rise seem to come out daily these days, but the latest Nielsen figures are of particular interest because they focus purely on smartphones. In other words iOS isn't being 'fluffed' here by the inclusion of iPods or iPads. What we get here is a simple look at Android, Apple and RIM and how their smartphones are doing compared with one another.

What we find is that in a six month period between January and August this year Android accounted for 32% of smartphone purchases in the U.S., whilst Blackberry and the iPhone were almost tied at 26% and 25% respectively.

When we look at the actual overall marketshare figures the positions change with Blackberry taking the lead. Blackberry's overall marketshare is 31% in the U.S., which is down from a high of 37% back in February. The iPhone stands at 28%, which is broadly consistent with its previous performance this year, the iPhone 4 apparently not having given any major boost in the July and August periods. Android is by far the big winner in terms of growth, it's overall marketshare standing at 19%, but having risen from just 8% back in February. Indeed between the iPhone 4 being announced in June and the end of the survey in August Android grabbed an additional 4% of the market.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Nokia Loses Another Exec    [ 05-10-2010 17:30 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nokia has lost yet another member of its executive team with the news that Ari Jaaksi, Vice President in charge of MeeGo Devices, has resigned. The moved was confirmed by Mr Jaaksi in an interview with Finland's Talous newspaper. This latest departure follows hot on the heels of the departure of former Ceo Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo and former head of Mobile Solutions Anssi Vanjoki.

Of course it's not all bad news as Nokia did manage to score something of a coup by hiring Peter Skillman from Palm. He is heading up the MeeGo User Experience division. Nokia are saying that an 'update on MeeGo' will be announced before 2010 is out.

The mystery still remains though, why did Mr Jaaksi resign? Maybe the food in the Nokia canteen has taken a turn for the worse? It's as good an idea as any!

Rating: Rating: 1

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