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Tuesday 23 November 2010

Video: Penis Enlargement? Yes ... There Actually Is ... An App For That    [ 23-11-2010 18:43 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Krapps     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

This has to be equally the most ridiculous and the most desperate app download you are ever likely to make on your iPhone.

After having been hooked by the tagline 'Do you want to enlarge your penis with the push of a button?' you are presented with some relaxing classical music, whilst a clam male voice (wouldn't a female voice, or at least the option of one been more appropriate?) tells you that your penis is growing and that 'you will win the prize'.

I dare anyone not to try this, especially when it's free!

Rating: Rating: 2

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Microsoft Buying Up Memory Cards - Memory Expansion For Win Phone Soon    [ 23-11-2010 18:41 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft's Windows Phone team are reportedly buying up every type of memory card they can find. Why? Well it all has to do with a decision to allow memory card expansion on their Windows Phone platform after all.

Initially the memory cards were locked down, but this didn't please many consumers who were looking for more storage than the 8 GBor 16 GB that their device came with. In an interview with TechRadar Microsoft said that they were "... now busily buying every microSD card they can get their hands on and testing it in their phones, and when they have a list of which cards perform well enough to recommend they'll be distributing the information."

The testing is required because some cards are slowing down the phones. The OS sometimes requires short sharp access bursts to the memory card in order to work and not every card appreciates this. Hence the tests:

Yes, it's about read write speeds [which is what the SD class number indicates]. The IO rate is part of it but actually what's equally important are the bit error rates. That will impact the speed of the checksum rewrite.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Android Overtakes Symbian In Asia    [ 23-11-2010 18:40 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: cellular-news     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Anyone with even a passing interest in the mobile industry will of course be well aware that as Android continues its seemingly relentless rise to the top Symbian continues its seemingly relentless fall to the bottom. Well that trend is further reinforced by new numbers from research firm GfK.

The new research shows that in Q3 of this year Android overtook Symbian to become the largest mobile platform in Asia. That comes on the heels of Android taking the number one spot in America too as reported just last month.

The figures show that 4.6 million Android handsets were sold across Asia during Q3 (July - September), an increase of 270% for Android year-on-year. Symbian , alongside iOS, is the chief competitor for Android in the Asia region, whilst in America Android faces down iOS and Blackberry OS.

Today Asia, tomorrow the world?

Rating: Rating: 1

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Acer's New 4.8 Inch Touchscreen Behemoth    [ 23-11-2010 18:23 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Acer have unveiled the behemoth that is their new Android powered touchscreen. The device, as yet unnamed, will be sporting  a very hefty 4.8" screen with a resolution of 1024x480!

It's a wee bit smaller than the Dell Streak so that should give you some idea as to the size of this beast. In terms of the rest of the specifications it looks to be sporting a 2 MP camera on the front for video calls and an 8 MP job on the back with LED flash. Video recording goes up to 720p, which is pretty much standard these days. All the usualy connectivity options are present with 802.11n support. The whole affair is being powered by our old friend Mr Snapdragon and his 1 GHz running shoes.

It's currently unknown what version of Android the device will be running, but Acer have their own UI in there too. Is thata  good thing? Time will tell, but hopefully it's nearer the HTC Sense end of the custom UI scale.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Moto Olympus Tegra 2?    [ 23-11-2010 13:36 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: via Engadget et al     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

An anonymous source has been hawking some leaked shots of what is purported to be the Motorola Olympus Tegra 2. The pictures show a handet that looks like the Defy, but there are notable differences between the two, such as different volume cotrols and an elongated speaker. There is also what could be a front facing camera at the top left hand side of the handset.

Rating: Rating: 2

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