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Monday 22 November 2010

Apple Retreat From SIM Card Plans With 'Tail Between Their Legs'    [ 22-11-2010 18:25 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Telegraph     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

There had been some talk of Apple developing devices with inbuilt SIM cards independent of mobile network operators. The idea being that Apple would be a step closer to cutting out the middle man and having a direct relationship with the consumer.

However, the networks apparently did not like the idea of being cut out of the loop one little bit. It seems that European networks threw a bit of a fit and told Apple that if it went ahead with the plan they would no longer subsidise the iPhone. That would have been a heavy blow to Apple and clearly it isn't a challenge Cupertino wants to take on as they have apparently backed off according to a report by the Telegraph.

The Telegraph's source sums it up succinctly, "... this time they have been sent back to the drawing board with their tails between their legs."

Rating: Rating: 2

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Google Maps: Users Review Area 51    [ 22-11-2010 18:16 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Google Maps via Gizmodo     Translation by:    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Had a good chuckle at this when I found it. Essentially people have been leaving reviews of top secret U.S. government site Area 51 on Google Maps. The feature is more commonly used to leave reviews of things like restaurants or hotels so that people can check them out before trying them, but why not an ultra secret facility that is rumoured to house extraterrestial technology? Click here for the reviews.

Rating: Rating: 3

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N8 Has Issues ... Power Issues To Be Exact    [ 22-11-2010 18:11 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Unwired View     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nokia's much talked about (often for the wrong reasons) N8 is apparently sufferring from some battery trouble. Niklas Savander, Executive Vice-President of Nokia's Markets section has acknowledged that some N8 units suffer from 'power problems'. The end result of which is that the handset switches itself off. Not very handy that.

Nokia aren't saying exactly how many units have been affected, but did give the vague estimation of only 'a limited number' of users actually reporting such a fault. The fault itself was the result of a production problem, a problem that has apparently now been rectified. We imagine Nokia will be replacing any faulty units.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Sony Ericsson CEO Hints PlayStation Phone Coming Soon    [ 22-11-2010 17:58 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: EuroDroid     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The PlayStation phone has been leaked for a while now, Engadget having dished up some juicy pictures, but Sony Ericsson have, as one might expect, been keeping rather quiet about the leaked handset. So far they haven't confirmed that it exists, then again they haven't denied it either.

Sony Ericsson CEO, and general tech tease, Bert Nordberg has been dropping some hints though. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal he made the following comment:

There's a lot of smoke, and I tell you there must be a fire somewhere

Now before we get too excited it is perfectly possible that Mr Nordberg was referencing Anzu or some other handset, but later comments in the same interview only added more fuel to the fire. Responding to a question about why there has been no PlayStation before, Mr Nordberg replied:

I haven't dug into that history, but the future might be brighter

That certainly seems to suggest a PlayStation is on the cards. He then went on to say that "Sony is of course a very strong brand, and why shouldn't we use that?". Aagin further reinforcing the idea that such a device is very real and very imminent. How imminent? Well Mr Nordberg is saying that there will be a new device announced at the MWC next February, whether it will be a PlayStation phone is another matter ...

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: The Angry Birds Summit    [ 22-11-2010 16:28 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Buzzfeed     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

I'm sure there's deeper political satire in this Israeli spoof of Angry Birds, but nevertheless it's a funny sketch. Some NSFW language.

Rating: Rating: 3

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