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Monday 31 May 2010

DoJ Expands Apple Anti-Trust Investigation    [ 31-05-2010 17:09 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Boy Genius Report     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's not all been fun and games over at Apple in recent months. They've become embroiled in patent disputes with HTC and Nokia; an often bitter dispute has reared its head with Adobe over the use of Flash and the American Department of Justice is looking into anti-trust allegations levelled at Apple for, first, it's stance on Flash, and, secondly, its domination of the online music industry through iTunes. Apple can now add an expanded DoJ investigation to that list as they are now apparently to be investigated over unfair practices involving not just music, but also video and other forms of multimedia. The latest chapter in the Apple inevstigation was brought to light by the New York Post who cite dunnamed sources as saying that the DoJ had contacted various media companies to enquire whether they felt Apple had undue influence over their products. It's still too early to tell whether this is the beginning of a full blown ant-trust lawsuit against Apple, but the signs certainly won't be encouraging for Cupertino.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Skype 2.0 Brings 3G Network Support    [ 31-05-2010 16:33 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Skype's iPhone app has finally caught up with the 21st century and ditche dits WiFi only policy in favour of also allowing calls to be made over 3G networks. The 3G service is completely free ... until August. Skype obviously have to turn a profit somewhere down the line and from August there are plans afoot to charge users a small monthly fee although there is no word yet on just how small that fee will be. Until then make sure you check out the free trial and see if you want to pony up the dough come the end of summer. The update, Skype 2.0, is out now and you can download it from the App Store right away. The new features present in this version include:

  • Calls via 3G networks, with no charges until August 2010 (network data chages apply at all times)
  • Near CD quality sound for Skype-Skype calls using wideband audio (SILK codec) on 3GS and 2nd Gen iPod Touch
  • Improved call quality indicator
  • Improved start-up time
  • Fast access to iPhone's dial-pad from the home screen

Rating: Rating: 4

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iPhone HD Display: 960x640 320dpi    [ 31-05-2010 15:41 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

With the next generation iPhone allegedly just around the corner the rumour mill has been gearing up, we've had all those delicious leaks and people rummaging around in the code to see what gems they can find. Well one Czech mobile site, superiphone.cz, managed to get its hands on the display to be used in the new iPhone and promptly put it through its paces, namely firing it under a microscope. They were looking specifically at the RGB elements of the display and they calculated that the density in both horizontal and vertical dimensions was double what we've seen so far. In layman's terms that translates to quadruple the number of pixels as in current iPhone displays and pans out at a resolution of 960x640 IPS at 320 dpi, which is what the rumour mill has been chanting for months now. If this really is the display to be use in the next iPhone it would make it the highest resolution display in use in any mobile phone on the planet.

Rating: Rating: 3

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UK Most Expensive Place In the World for An iPad    [ 31-05-2010 15:21 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

An Australian CommSec study has found that potential iPad customers will bepaying a significant amount more for Apple's latest gadget in Europe than their counterparts in America and Asia. Craig James, chief economist at CommSec, said "In the UK, Germany, France and Italy an iPad costs 20-25 per cent more than in the U.S." This is all the more surprising when one considers that it is the exact same device so the only differentiators in terms of price should be freight costs and local taxes. The cheapest model, the WiFi only 16 GB version, costs $499 in the U.S., but astoundingly $620 in the UK. The UK appears to be the most expensive place in the world to buy an iPad in fact, that same 16 GB model retails for $520 in Canada, $536 in Japan and $533 in Australia. It's not any better at the higher end of the product line with the top tier 64 GB WiFi/3G model costing $829 in the U.S. and a whopping $1,010 in the UK. The reason for the huge price differences, according to CommSec, is the global financial crisis with debt ridden European economies playing havoc with global currencies. A rise in the dollar against European currencies would help to narrow the perceived gap between the pricing on either side of the Atlantic.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: Nokia N8 USB On-The-Go Support    [ 31-05-2010 15:09 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The N8 is shaping up to be a pretty sweet device in many peoples' eyes and it's support for USB on-The-Go will only add to that image. If you're not familiar with USB On-The-Go it allows the N8 to essentially act as a PC as far as USB peripherals are concerned. Take, for example, an external USB flash drive, hook it up to the N8 and the N8 recognises it as a flash drive and can use it just as a PC would. The same goes for hooking up another Symbian handset, the N8 can utilise its memory capacity os a storage area. It gives the N8 a wide range of storage options, especially on the go, and it's as easy to use as connecting up any other flash drive. Make sure you check out the action in the video below:

Rating: Rating: 2

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