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Tuesday 01 June 2010

Googles Ditches Windows    [ 01-06-2010 16:16 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The Finacial Times are reporting that Google are in the process of phasing out the use of Windows throughout the company after security fears, most notably the Chinese incident in January, in which Google's Chinese operations came under attack. As Windows is being ditched Google are said to be turning to Apple's Mac OS and open source Linux distros. Google employees were quoted on the change saying "We're not doing any more Windows. It is a security effort" and "Getting a new Windows machine now requires CIO (chief information officer) approval." That last statement should demonstarte just how much of a security liability Google views Windows as being if you have to go all the way to the CIO to get a Windows box on your desk! In an official statement Google refused to confirm or deny the move "We're always working to improve the efficiency of our business, but we do not comment on specific operational matters." Of course Google are actively developing their own OS based upon their Chrome browser although it isn't ready for commercial deployment yet, but it would seem to be a step closer to seeing a rapid deployment through Google.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Samsung H2 for Voda 360 Makes Appearance    [ 01-06-2010 16:10 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Samsung-firmware via TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Vodafone's 360 range looks to be getting a new Samsung handset in the form of the i8330, which will likely named the Vodafone 360 H2. It looks not too disimilar to the H1, which has been out for a while now, but Vodafone will no doubt be hoping that the new H2 does better business than its predecessor, which hasn't exactly set the market alight despite Vodafone's 360 platform getting a fair bit of attention when first launched. In terms of specs the H2 appears to be going with the Linux based OS that is associated with Vodafone 360. The handset manages to cram in an 8 MP camera that can record video in HD at 720p; a 1 GHz Snapdragon, which seems to be becoming de rigeur in smartphones these days, and a Super AMOLED screen that promises to deliver a top notch viewing experience. As one would expect there is no wor don pricing or a release date for the H32 as yet although given Vodafone's release of 360 handsets last summer it wouldn't be a bad bet to aim for this summer for the H2.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Vodafone Getting Rid of Chinese, French and Egyptian Assets?    [ 01-06-2010 15:43 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Vodafone is sort of like a sprawling empire, it has subsidiaries and stakes in networks all aroud the globe and you can usually find a network owned by, or at least influenced by, Vodafone just about anywhere you go. Well it seems as if Vodafone are looking to cast off some of those stakes as news emerges that they are considering selling off their minority stakes in three networks; China Mobile, SFR and Vodafone Egypt. Vodafone's share in China Mobile, whilst only3.2% is worth a reported $6 billion, making it an attractive proposition to sell. Vodafone also ownes 44% of SFR in France with Vivendi being the majority stakeholder and Vodafone actually ownes the majority stake in Vodafone Egypt, which is worth some $4.3 billion. Why the sell-off? Basically Vodafone are looking to reduce debt as well finance spectrum purchases in Germany and India. Merrill Lynch summed it up by saying that Vodafone selling off some of its assets would "... crystallise value, reduce indebtedness and highlight management’s willingness to actively manage the portfolio."

Rating: Rating: 2

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Skype 2.0 for iPhone - Free 3G Calls Until 2011    [ 01-06-2010 10:22 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Just yesterday we we were reporting that Skype's latest iPhone client, Skype 2.0, would be, at long last, bringing support for calling over 3G networks to the iPhone. It's a feature many had been looking forward to and obviously they would be excited about, especially since those calls would be free to make (network data charges still applied of course). Calls made over 3G networks would only be free until August of this year though, after which point Skype said they would implement a small monthly fee for using that feature. Well today Engadget are reporting that that August deadline has been scrapped and calls made over 3G networks will remain free until the end of this year, a full four months of extra freedom as it where. Skype are still planning to introduce that small monthly fee though, just not until 2011 so make the most of this whilst you can. No reason for the change has been forthcoming curiously enough, but MOAR free calls don't really require an explanation right?

Rating: Rating: 5

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Video: Push Chrome/Firefox Links to Froyo Handset    [ 01-06-2010 10:20 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Amidst the general excitement of Froyo's unveiling it might have beene asy for you to miss a little something Google showed off at their I/O event, pushing apps and music from a computer to a phone. The reason it might have been overlooked by some is because this particular feature isn't included in Froyo, but crucially the underlying foundation for it is. Google Code contains a small chunk of this functionality and thus there is now an extension available for Chrome users (and Firefox users too) that enables URLs, Maps and YouTube links to be pushed, using a Google account, from those desktop browsers to a handset running Froyo. The functionality isn't quite as powerful as that demonstrated at I/O admittedly, but it does still allow for sharing information in a continous fashion. If you happen to share the afore mentioned Google account with a group of people it could even be used to keep everyone in the group updated with the relevant info. You can check it out for yourself by watching the video below and heading on over to Engadget where they have a step-by-step guide to making this work.


Rating: Rating: 2

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