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Friday 28 May 2010

Nokia & Opera Jump to Adobe's Defence    [ 28-05-2010 18:20 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A new front has been opened in the war between Apple and Adobe with Adobe receiving public support from both Nokia and Opera. Opera's co-founder, Job von Tetzchner, said that Opera would be standing behind Flash "It is the only proprietary part of the Web we support". That's a pretty big statement from a man who prefers open iniiatives. Nokia wasn't about to be out done by Opera in supporting Flash though with Alberto Torres, Nokia's head of business solutions, quick to identify the Finnish manufacturer with Opera's stance "We support Flash as well". Of course there is no love lost between Nokia and Apple with the two companies currently locked in a patent dispute that has seen both sides calling for the other's products to be removed from sale. For their part Apple are adamant that Flash is no good for mobile devices, claiming that it drains battery life unecessarily and is too unreliable. It's not a battle that looks to be ending any time soon and with Adobe gathering allies Apple may look to do the same.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Rogers Confirms Android 2.2 for Magic and X10    [ 28-05-2010 17:43 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Canadian network Rogers have confirmed via Twitter, where else, that Android 2.1 will be coming to  a fe wof their handsets in the not too distant future. The HTC Magic, yes it is still being sold, will be getting the update around the end of June, which is pretty soon and should keep Magic users happy. The Acer Liqquid will be running Android 2.1. from the get go, but that was information that was already out there anyway. Perhaps the most interesting of the updates mentioned is the X10, Sony Ericsson's current flagship. The 2.1 update for the X10 was put down as coming in 'the fall' (autumn). That would tie in pretty well with previous reports of the X10 receiving the 2.1 upgrade around September. It will be something a mixed blessing for X10 customers though because whilst many are looking forward to upgrading to 2.1 to take advantage of new features and more recent apps e.g. the official Twitter client, many X10 users have been asking Sony Ericsson to skip straight to Android 2.2.with the next update and this news won't do anything to suggest that a 2.2 upgrade is even on the cards.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Ballmer Not Appearing at WDC & No Career As A Jockey    [ 28-05-2010 16:32 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It was one of those rumours that was just too good to be true. Yesterday tech blogs were all a flutter with speculation that Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO, would be appearing at Apple's WDC in June. The rumour even went so far as to say that a whole 7 minutes of stage time had been blocked off for Steve to make whatever presentation it was he would give. The rumour was shot down pretty fast, and pretty well it has to be said, on Microsoft's Twitter feed today. The simple, but to the point, statement read "Steve Ballmer not speaking at Apple Dev Conf." However, Microsoft, in a display of uncharacterisitc wit also shot down any hope of Steve Ballmer appearing on Dancing With the Stars or riding in a horse race. So there we go people, Ballmer will not be canoodling with Jobs, dancing with anything remotely like a celebrity or taking the cup in a photo finish. Bah!

Rating: Rating: 2

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N900: 100,000 Sold in 5 Weeks or 5 Months?    [ 28-05-2010 16:24 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Reuters & Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Reuters are reporting that Nokia have only managed to shift 100,000 N900s in the first 5 months of sales. Reuters are basing their report on numbers from research firm Gartner. Although Gartner doesn't track individual handset sales it has been able to work out the number of N900's sold through the statistics for Maemo, the handset's OS. Since the N900 is the only device to use Maemo at the current time that figure would obviously give the number of N900s in use. The Reuters report puts the sales figure forward as evidence that Nokia hasn't been able to mount a serious challenge to either RIm or Apple with its high-end N900 device. Apple, by comparison, sold almost 9 million iPhones in Q1 of this year. However, thereare two problems with this assessment, the first being that the N900 wasn't released as a major challenge to either Apple or Rim, or anyone else for that matter, but to bolster Nokia's Maemo dev community. The other problem comes with the sales figures themselves because Engadget are reporting that the timescale in use here is wrong and that instead of 100,000 units being sold in 5 months it should actually be 100,000 units sold in 5 weeks. That's a pretty big difference and ties in with an assessment made by Alberto Torres, Nokia's head of business solutions, when he said "Sales have substantially exceeded expectations".

Rating: Rating: 1

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Nokia Provides Free Taxis In The UK    [ 28-05-2010 15:35 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

We like free things and Nokia are being especially generous to tired weary travellers in the UK this bank holiday weekend by laying on free taxi rides for them. It's all part of a promotion to try and get the word out about Ovi Maps and its free satnav service. The cabs look like ordinary British taxis only they're done up in Ovi livery, which happens to be a sort of custardy colour (see the photo below) and stand ready to ferry you around absolutely free of charge. Just in case you get bored with your free ride there is a Nokia X6 waiting for you in the back of the cab so you can try out Ovi Maps for yourself. The cabs will be operating this weekend across various cities in the UK including London, Birmingham,. Glasgow, and Manchester so if you spot one make sure you get taken for a ride ... er ... you know what we mean.

Rating: Rating: 1

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