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Thursday 27 May 2010

Video: Acer's Android Powered 'Stream'    [ 27-05-2010 17:49 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Acer are all set to join the ranks of high-end Android devices with the forthcoming release of their Stream handset. It's similar to the Nexus One in terms of specs e.g. a 1 GHz Snapdragon, 512 MB of RAM and a 3.7" AMOLED touchscreen. What differentiates it from the current crop of Android smartphones though is its focus on media, it includes some pretty sweet features to make the most of any media you might throw at it. The 5 MP camera, for example, can record HD video at 720p and can play video back at the same resolution. Whilst we're on the subject of video it supports formats like Xvid, WMV HD and others besides and there is a HDMI jack for showcasing your content on a TV. The handset also sports DLNA and UPnP support. The handset has passed the FCC approval process so it should be hitting stores soon (hopefully). Make sure you check out the video of the handset in action below:

Video Recensione Acer Stream da batista70phone from batista70phone on Vimeo.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Firefox Comes to the iPhone ... Sort Of    [ 27-05-2010 17:25 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Firefox is finally coming to the iPhone ... sort of. Firefox are releasing an app for the iPhone that will basically act as a backup of your desktop Firefox setup. You'll be able to access tabs you've browsed recently, your history, bookmarks, etc. It won't actually be a dedicated browser though, although, like many Twitter apps and the Facebook app for the iPhone, you will be able to open webpages within the app. So why aren't they just releasing a browser? Well do you remember all the fuss over Apple mandating that developers do things a certain way? Well that's essentially the nub of it, Firefox uses its own Java rendering engine and the Apple SDK for the iPhone mandates use of Apple's engine. Hence a Firefox browser app is not likely to be washing up on the iPhone's shores anytime soon. To be fair to this new app though it may still prove useful to Firefox users. If you're out and about and have to access information you know is in your browser's history then it is pretty handy. Or if you need a site and just can't remember the address (or use google) then again it could be handy to have access to that information from your desktop. In short this is about as good as it's going to get from Firefox on the iPhone for the foreseeable future.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Three LiMo Devices To Be Launched In 2010    [ 27-05-2010 15:50 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Limo Foundation has announced that this year will see LiMo powered handsets from three major networks. Executive Directot at LiMo, Morgan Gillis, said that of France Telecom, Telefonica, Verizon and SK Telecom, three of them would launch a LiMo device this year. Between them Japan and South Korea have seen around 60 LiMo deviceslaunched so far, by comparison only one has been released in Europe, by Vodafone. That's a lot of catching up to do and some may wonder whether launching three devices will do much to widen the paltform's uptake, but it's a start at least. Mr Gillis also says he expects to see consilidation in the mobile OS area, predicting that there would eventually be around 4 or 5 OS left competing. Of course he included LiMo int hat prediction and thought the rest would be made up of Android, Windows and the iPhone OS. Oddly enough no mention of RIM or Symbian there and that's despite Mr Gillis heaping some praise on Symbian by saying that it was in a position to make a healthy comeback.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Analyst Forecasts Big Surprise in iPhone Pricing    [ 27-05-2010 14:55 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Tech Radar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

An analyst from Screen Digest has come out as saying that the biggest surprise with the next generation iPhone, far from some fancy new specification or design, may actually be its price. He is suggesting that Apple might start to ramp up the competition with other smartphone manufacturers by more aggressively pricing the iPhone. The smartphone market as a whole is expected to expand to account for 30% of all phone sales globally by 2014. That's a big market and there are more and more players getting involved such as HP, who recently bought Palm. A bigger market with more competition presents a greater challenge to the established manufacturers and beyond making smartphones ever smarter price is one of the prime weapons at a manufacturer's disposal to see their market share increase. For their part Apple have seen the iPhone grow from being a relatively minor part of the smartphone market to now being one of the major players, indeed the iPhone is increasingly dominating the American market. If Apple wants to see that growth continue they will have to look at such things as price in comparison to other products and of course the partnerships they have with networks around the world, already in the UK, for example, they have ditched an exclusive partner and opened the iPhone up to a number of networks.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Verizon Employee Who Found Shadow In Gym Yesterday - Fired    [ 27-05-2010 12:02 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Yesterday we posted up a leaked shot of the forthcoming Motorola Shadow. The story behind it was pretty simple; a Verizon employee left it in a gym, one of the chaps working at the gym found it and his friend passed the information on to Gizmodo. Sounds pretty similar to the leaked iPhone Gizmodo got its hands on. At any rate the chap working in the gym has been fired after Verizon (who own the gym) found out that he was the oone who found it. His friend contacted Gizmodo to explain what happened and give the aftermath of the situation. The email Gizmodo was sent is quoted below:

I sent in the photo and story about the Motorola Shadow that my buddy found in the gym. I just thought I'd send along an update if you were at all interested. First of all he wanted everyone to know that he is not a dwarf or a midget—despite the fact that he does have small hands. Now, believe what you want but this photo is real, it was taken by him with his camera phone while holding the Shadow (hence the awkward holding of the Shadow). One thing that he noticed in all the comments was that people wanted to know if there was a "sliding keyboard," but he said to me that "nope, there's no sliding keyboard. It's all touchscreen. The interface is REALLY easy to use and this is the fastest phone I have EVER used." That all aside, my buddy was bombarded by calls and emails from Verizon corporate and they even showed up at his house pretty soon after you guys posted the story. He was asked to attend a few meetings in which he had to tell them exactly what happend and then they fired him. If you would like to know more about how Verizon's security works, try this on for size: They fired him yesterday (5/25/10) at about 1 or 2pm but they didn't take his keys or keycard to the gym until they showed up at his house at about 3pm today (5/26/10). Real smart Verizon, fire someone because his friend leaked a photo of a phone that one of your executives lost and let the employee you just fired keep his keys for 24 hours.

Rating: Rating: 5

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