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Monday 24 May 2010

Moto Shadow Appears (Or Does It?)    [ 24-05-2010 19:51 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Gizmodo via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Gizmodo have gotten hold of a picture of what is claimed to be the rumoured Shadow, Motorola's 4.3" touchscreen behemoth. The backstory is typical Gizmodo fare for leaked phones these days, namely that it was left behind in a Verizon corporate gym and found by one of the gym employees.The said employee then allegedly took a few pictures and managed to spot an 8 MP camera, HDMI jack, 16 GB storage and a Snapdragon processor. The device was then remotely locked acording to the story and the owner returned to lay claim to it. Where suspicions arise is in the angle of the picture because it is a very similar angle, if not in fact the same, to the Shadow pictured in a leaked photo just a few days ago. A Photoshop effort immediately springs to mind, but to be fair though the UI in the picture does line up pretty well so perhaps it is the real deal after all?

Rating: Rating: 4

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HTC Vision - Desire With A Keyboard?    [ 24-05-2010 19:29 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Unwired View     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Everyone's favourite Taiwanese mobile manufacturer (HTC of course) is getting set to launch a new high-end Android smartphone and unlike it's current crop of Android smartphones this one will feature a slide out QWERTY keyboard according to Tweakers.net. It's a peculiarity of HTC that their high-en Android products have so far been bereft of a slide out keyboard and there is clearly demand for the form factor, one only has to look at the Motorola Droid to see that. The new handset is apparently to be called the HTC Vision and will feature a WVGA screen in addition to its aforemention keyboard. Tweakers have also pointed out that the Vision has a similar UA profile to the HTC Desire, thus the two handsets are likely to be not wholly dissimilar and one might expect a similar feature set. As you would expect there are scant details, that is to say none, of pricing or a launch date. One interesting piece of speculation to leave you with though is the possibility that the Vision, being released after Froyo's unveiling, might ship with Android 2.2 as standard.

Rating: Rating: 2

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O2 UK Trials LTE on 800 Mhz Band    [ 24-05-2010 19:16 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

O2 UK have been given the go-ahead to begint rials of LTE on the 800 MHz frequency band. The trials will centre around Carlisle in the north of England in Q3 of this year and will use Huawei as the hardware provider. Huawei is being used in the UK whilst Telefonica, O2's parent company, use other hardware vendors in LTE trials in other markets they operate in. In Europe they're trialing Nokia-Siemens, Ericsson and ZTE in the Czech Republic and Spain respectively and NEC in Argentian and Alcatel-Lucent in Brazil. The 800 MHz band is being freed up in the UK with the switch from analogue to digitial television and part of the effort behind the trial is to make sure there aren't any issues with LTE and television roadcasts. Some might criticise O2 for pushing on with LTE when they are currently ranked last in the UK in terms of their 3G coverage. Over the past year the network has come in for repeated criticism over network failures that have, at times, left thousand sof customers without use of their mobile.

Rating: Rating: 2

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White iPhone 4G Makes An Appearance    [ 24-05-2010 19:08 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The next generation iPhone is already famous for one thing Apple won't appreciate ... busting the myth of Apple's legendary secrecy culture. In recent weeks prototypes have been turning up left right and centre and white casings have been making an appearance on the web fuelling speculation of a white version of the next iPhone. Well, in a move that will be of surprise to no one who has been even remotely interested in the iPhone leaks saga, yet another iPhone has apparently leaked out, this time a white version. Actually the only surprise here might be that it didn't come from Vietnam. The operative word here though is 'apparently' because there is some debate over whether this is the real deal or not, it could just be a mockup. If it is real then it would seemingly confirm those white casings as being evidence of a white iPhone HD. Mind you there are already white versions of the 3G and 3GS so it's not much of a leap of the imagination to envisage a white HD too.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Moto Droid to Get Froyo In 'Near Future'    [ 24-05-2010 19:02 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Following on from HTC Motorola have come out and said that the Droid will be getting some Froyo love in the 'near future'. The Nexus One, being Google's own, already has the update avilable, no great surprise there, but the quick pace of uptake shown by HTC and now Motorola will be music to their customers' ears. In a statement announcing its support for Froyo Motorola annoyingly wouldn't provide anything approaching a specific date for the update, but 'near future' at least sounds promising. It's not just Droid customers who should take interest in this though because Motorola did happen to mention that they "... were looking forward to integrating it [Froyo] on [their] Android-based devices ..." The full statement Motorola made to Slashgear is quoted below:

"We're excited to see Google's news of the next version of the Android operating system and look forward to integrating it on our Android-based devices as it's made available to the open source community. While I can't comment on specifics, we do expect DROID by Motorola users will receive Android 2.2 as a software upgrade in the near future."

Rating: Rating: 1

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More Blackberry Slider Photos Leak    [ 24-05-2010 18:49 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: The BerryFix     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Just in case you weren't excited enough already by the Blackberry slider leaks that have cropped up yet more pictures have emerged. The handset shown here looks to be fairly near a production unit, probably a late protoyype actually so this should be pretty much the final design of the handset that you can expect to see in stores. The pictures do a good job of showing off some of the features you can expect to play with in Blackberry OS 6 including the virtual QWERTY keyboard and coverflow. The pictures pretty much speak for themselves so go check them out below:


Rating: Rating: 2

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