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Friday 21 May 2010

Blackberry OS 6.0 Webkit Browser Shots    [ 21-05-2010 16:22 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: CellularGuru     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Granted that the Blackberry Bold 9800 isn't exactly cutting edge news, it having previously leaked, but a few pictures have turned up showing off the webkit based broswer that will ship with the 9800 when it is finally released. The new broswer will come as standard in Blackberry OS 6.0 and the pictures you see here come via CellularGuru, who got them from 'a source'.The pictures aren't the clearest perhaps, but you should be able to make out tabbed browsing and see that the process looks similar to that used ont he iPhone and Android handsets. You can also check out the new homescreen setup in the second picture, which also shows off some redesigned icons.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: Ovi Maps Gets Performance Boost    [ 21-05-2010 16:16 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Ovi Maps has certainly been quick off the marks in terms of calculating routes, but general usage was felt to be a bit on the slow side in some quarters. That has apparently been addressed by a new version just released, 3.0.4 otherwise known as SR4. 3.0.4 introduces a hefty upgrade in performance so there should be no more lag or slow responses when using it. There is also Qype support for POI reviews (Qype is similar to Yelp, for those who have never heard of it, and works in Europe). You can download the new version right away and make sure you check it out in the video below:

Rating: Rating: 2

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Nokia Cosying Up to Yahoo!? Ditching Ovi Services?    [ 21-05-2010 12:45 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

There an interesting bit of scuttlebut doing he rounds at the moment, which is namely that Yahoo! and Nokia will be getting into bed with each other come Monday as part of something called Project Nike. Yahoo! released a press invite inviting atendees to an event on Monday at 10:00 that is billed as "... an exciting announcement about providing global consumers with rich online and mobile experiences, and bringing forward a new era in keeping consumers connected." The reason Nokia's name crops up from this seemingly unrelated invitation is down to Kara Swisher, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, who pokd around a bit and discovered the Nokia connection. It's not all thats urprising really when one remembers that Smasung reccently announced a similar partnership with Yahoo! that will see Yahoo! services come pre-installed on Samsung's Android and Bada handsets.

For Nokia though this represents something of ana bout face given the great effort that was made into developing and promoting its ownr ange of services like Ovi Contacts, Ovi Mail et al. A deal between Nokia and Yahoo! to integrate Yahoo! services onto Nokia handsets would essentially be an acknowledgement that Nokia's efforts really didn't pan out anywhere near as well as they had hoped. Will pre-installed Yahoo! services fare any better? Perhaps, given that Yahoo! is ane stablished internet presence that many people already use. The problem for Nokia was that many people already have email accounts or contact lists with other providers and are looking to bring those services with themr ather than sign up to Nokia's services and start from scratch. In that sense Yahoo! may very well prove more successful for Nokia. On Yahoo!'s side they get the opportunity to dangle their search engine in front of 40% of mobile users worldwide, which is no small achievement.

Rating: Rating: 5

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HTC Confirms 'Most' Handsets Will Get Froyo Update    [ 21-05-2010 11:34 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

With yesterday;s official unveiling of Froyo (Android 2.2) the question many had been asking themselves has once again reared it's head ... who gets the update and when? In the case of HTC customers the picture is looking reasonably bright and cheery and the Taiwanese manufacturer has come out and said that most of its 2010 handsets will be receiving an upgrade to 2.2. Note the use of the word 'most' there though, not every HTC handset will be upgraded, we're guessing the older and/or lower specced handsets won't be tucking into any Froyo, but the likes of the Desire, the Incredible and the Evo 4G are probably safe bets. Indeed HTC have said that it is working on bring the upgrade to the Desire and Incredible first. In terms of timing we're probably looking at the second half of this year, which isn't too shabby really when you consider that it is already late May. Of course by that time no doubt people will ahve lost their appetite for Froyo and be hankering after some Gingerbread.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Seesmic Launches iPhone App    [ 21-05-2010 10:36 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Twitter's mobile presence has been receiving a lot of attention lately, principally because of the release of official Twitter apps for both Android and the iPhone. However, there are other players in the field as we saw yesterday with RIm updating their Twitter app and today we have Seesmic launching an iPhone app. Seesmic is one of the most popular Twitter apps for Android so it will be interesting to see how it performs against the newly launched official Twitter app, which as you will no doubt know is a rebadged Tweetie2. Seesmic does have some things going for it thought hat might just give it an edge; for example, it has Ping.fm support after Seesmic gobbled up Ping a few months ago. Seesmic have also squeezed in Evernote for syncing messages and tweets to the cloud. Best of all it's completely free.

Rating: Rating: 5

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