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Tuesday 25 May 2010

Desire to Get Froyo Update 23rd June?    [ 25-05-2010 16:24 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

One particularly loose lipped HTC employee has spilled the beans that the Taiwanese manufacturer will bringing the Froyo update to its flagship Desire handset on 23rd June. As rumours go this is a bit tenous to be honest, the whole story resting on someone having been given the June date by a customer service rep who apparently said it in a "conspiratory voice". That really isn't much to go on although HTC have already confirmed that most of their 2010 line-up will be receiving the Froyo upgrade so that part of the story pans out at least. An upgrade date of 23rd June would be pretty fast, and no doubt make Desire owners very happy given the seemingly universal praise Froyo has received for features such as Flash support, a blazing fast browser and support for app storage on extranl memory. Just don't get your hope up too high though, information delivered in 'conspiracy voices' is perhaps not the most reliable ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video Calling Confirmed For iPhone HD    [ 25-05-2010 12:12 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Engadget are reporting that a 'trusted' tipster has passed them some info about video calling on the next iPhone, namely that it is definitely there and that adverts featuring video calling are currently being shot with none other than Sam Mendes directing. The next iPhone, apparently referred to at the N90 or Mammoth within Apple circles,  is widely expected to make its official debut on 7th June at Apple's WDC event in San Francisco although by this point anyone who hasn't been stuck on Mars will probably have seen it floating around Vietnam. The adverts we just mentioned are said to show a mother and daughter happily chatting away with each other via video calling, annoyingly no details of whether the feature is restricted to WiFi usage as some reports have claimed or whether it will work over 3G. At any rate it's not far off from being official so expect a lot more hype, a lot more rumours, and a lot more fanboys in the run up.

Rating: Rating: 5

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Video: Blackberry 9800 Shows Up Again    [ 25-05-2010 11:47 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Boy Genius Report     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The upcoming 9800 Blackberry Slider that we've all being seeing so much of late has made another appearance, this time in a pretty sweet little hands-on video. The video covers pretty much all the basics of using the device and is a nice intro to what you can expect from this handset. Keep an eye out for the web browser being used, some multi-touch gestures in use there although the whole thing seems a bit jittery, but then this probably isn;t a final release model. Take a look whilst you can because there's a fair chance RIM might want to pull this video before too long. Oh and notice the splash screen at the start of the video ... AT&T.

Rating: Rating: 2

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N900 Firmware Update 1.2    [ 25-05-2010 10:13 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nokia are set to release a firmware update for the N900 this week and it looks to be something of a bittersweet update at that. Let's look at the good stuff first, namely Facebook instant messaging, a revamped (and improved) email inbox, video calling, portrait web browsing (at last) and oof course the ability to access the new version of the Ovi Store. Those are some pretty decent updates, especially the portrait mode ofr web browsing, however, it's not all sunshine as the update will also see absolutely no love for MeeGo. The update itself should be available from tomorrow as an over the air download so keep an eye out for it and in the meantime take a look at the video.

Rating: Rating: 2

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