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Thursday 20 May 2010

Google Claims World Speed Record for Froyo Browser    [ 20-05-2010 17:26 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

With Google officially taking the wraps off of Froyo today they have gone on record as saying that Froyo has the fastest web browser of any mobile phone anywhere on the planet. That's a pretty big claim to make and no doubt a variety of sources will be looking to get that assertion put through its paces in the coming weeks. For now though we'll have to content ourselves with the fact that Google has implemented the V8 JavaScript engine (which you may have heard of from Google Chrome fame) and JS in Froyo appears to be running somewhere in the region of 100% - 200% faster than JS in previous incarnations of Android, which is pretty impressive in anyone's book.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Versace Launches the Unique    [ 20-05-2010 16:48 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

What you are looking at in the picture below is the Versace phone,, the Unique, the fashion house's first attempt at a touchscreen handset. It's certainly eye catching in its bright purple-pink livery. In terms of the actual technology, which was assembled by none other than LG, the handset boasts a saphire crystal screen that measures 3", a 5 MP camera, and 'high-tech ceramic' construction options (not entirely sure what they are either at this stage). The handset is hand made, as one would expect from a luxury brand like Versace and a leather back plate comes as standard and there is gold plating to really add that tough of class ... well maybe not class, but it will certainly let people know that this is a luxury phone. If the garish purple-pink ensemble doesn;t quite do it for you then fear not because there will also be a rather more demure black version. In terms of price ... well you know what they say about having to ask ...


Rating: Rating: 1

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Twitter for Blackberry Gets Some Love    [ 20-05-2010 16:21 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Mobile versions of Twitter have been receiving a lot of love recently, first it was the release of the official Android Twitter clien and then the iPhone saw Tweetie2 rebranded as the official Twitter client for the iPhone, now it's the turn of the Blackberry. RIm released a Twitter app for Blackberry users last month and they have now given it a bit of an update to keep everything fresh. Included in the update are such features as the ability to quote tweets, which also allows you to edit tweets into the bargain. The new version also sports an auto-complete function that guesses who you will be tweeting from your list of Twitter contacts. Interestingly RIM have also added what sound sto be a rather handy security feature that warns the user when tweeting potentially sensitive information like a phone number. Support for YFrog and TweetPhoto has been included for your picture hosting needs and you can also view geo-tagged tweets on a map although, oddly enough, you can't geo-tag your own tweets yet.


Rating: Rating: 1

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Android Deliciousness Continues - Gingerbread Due Q4    [ 20-05-2010 12:00 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Froyo (Android 2.2) is barely out of the starting blocks, having just been announced today, and there is already talk of Gingerbread, the next iteration of the Android operating system. If Flash support was the big news for Froyo then WebM is the big ticket item for Gingerbread. If you haven't heard of WebM before it's an open source online media standard. Since it is open source, and curicually royalty free, it has the potential to see a plethora of small and large media companies alike taking an interest and producing content for Android. Obviously things are at a very early stage at the moment so there is unliekly to be anything worth showing off, even in beta, for a while yet, but the possibilities for media content on the Android platform have certainly received a boost.

Gingerbread is also likely to continue the process of devolving core functions from the OS itself, instead making them available via the Market. This is a very importat process for Android because of the increasing fragmentation the breakneck speed of rolling out new versions has caused. Indeed fragmentation is probably the single biggest problem facing Android at the moment. However, by separating certain services from the OS that fragmentation becomes less of an issue beause they won't be tied to a specific version. When you look at how many different Android devices there are and how many different versions they're running you cans ee the obvious benefit to consumers in not having to wait for their particular manufacturer or network to release an update just so they can try out a particular service.

Rating: Rating: 3

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OLED Screen Shortage Continues - Samsung Can't Build Them Fast Enough    [ 20-05-2010 10:35 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Boy Genius Report     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Samsung's VP of Marketing, Lee Wong-jong had some bad news for the mobile industry today as he announced that Samsung would probably not be able to fulfill all the demands being placed upon it for OLED screens. Simply put demand for the screens has skyrocketed and far outstripped the capacity to produce them, even after Samsung signifcantly increased its production capacity. Lee commented that "... demand for high-end displays is very strong and we may continue to fail to meet all customer requirements, even after expanding capacity by seven-fold, until next year." Smaung have been desperately trying to keep up with demand and the shortfall is having noticeable effects on consumers, especially as smartphone sales look to be 50% higher this year than last. For instance, Verizon in the U.S. reports that the Droid Incredible hasn't outsold the DROID, largely due to the fact that not enough screens can be produced to make Droid Incredibles. For their part Samsung have committed to spending some $2.15 billion to build the world's lrgest supply of AMOLED displays by 2012.

Rating: Rating: 5

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