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Tuesday 18 May 2010

Kindle App for Android Is Official    [ 18-05-2010 13:39 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

They say the devil gets all the best tunes and that seems to be true of the iPhone when it comes to apps, often getting them before other platforms. Well Android users will be making up a little ground this summer with the official news that there will indeed be a Kindle app for Android. The Android app will join it's brethren on the Iphone and Blackberry in bringing Amazon's book store to mobile devices. You'll need Android 1.6+ in order to run the app, which is bad news for the estimated 34% of Android users still running 1.5. The app will let you you do all the things you would expect e.g. search and browse books and of course purchase them from within the app. There will of course be Whispersync for keeping bookmarks, marking pages and notes etc. Tomorrow's Google I/O event should hopefully bring a demo of the app.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Android 2.1 Takes Lead - 37% Of Users    [ 18-05-2010 11:03 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Phone Arena     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It wasn't all that long ago (just the other week in fact) that Android 1.5 was the king of the Android ecosystem with ana stonishing 38% of Android users. However, it's all change now that a spate of devices have received the upgrade to Android 2.1, which now commands a 37.2% share of the Android userbase. By comparison the last Android survey had 2.1 on just 27%. Android 1.5 is still in  a comfortable second place with 34.1% and 1.6 brings up the read with 28%. Obviously it's good for devs (and Google) that 2.1 has taken the lead and things are becoming a bit more homogenised, but there is still fragmentation and of course Android 2.2 will son be upon us to muddy the waters still further. Those who now have the latest version (2.1) will soon find themselves running old firmware again when 2.2 is launched. This fragmentation is one of the big issues currently facing Android and with no end in sight (at least in the short term) those running the older versions will just have to be patient for newer apps whilst their manufacturer/network readies an update for them.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Britons Spend £422 million/year On Apps    [ 18-05-2010 10:52 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

British smartphone users are spending a whopping £422.2 million per year on mobile apps according to a survey for handset make LG. There are currently around 11 million smartphones in the UK and each user is reported to spend an average of 33.20 each month on downloading apps from the various app stores. Interestingly enough the most popular category of apps isn't games, but rather money saving apps. 25% of people surveyed said that the ability to save money was the most important aspect to an app. Gender barriers were also present in the survey with 33% of men saying thatthey would use apps that prevented embarassing situations like drunk phone calls. Probably as a bit of a joke LG also included a question about the recipients' 'dream app'. The most popular replies included the likes of teleportation, telepathy and the ability to make lots of money (surely that's writing fart apps for that last one?). Commenting on the survey, Paul Trueman, LG's head honcho in the UK, said "This research has provided us with some very interesting insights into the app likes and dislikes of the nation. There is clearly a huge appetite for the continued development of apps and a hunger for even more innovation."

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: DoCoMo Demos Automated Email Generator    [ 18-05-2010 03:38 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Everyone knows the Japanese get all the coolest toys first and this looks to be no exception! NTT DoCoMo, Japan's largest network, are working on a email composition system that will automatically generate a grammatically correct email from as little as three words spoken or written by a human. Sounds pretty sweet right? Well it gets better! A representative for DoCoMo explained that the system would compose emails based upon the use's relationship to the recipient, so, for example, if you are sending an email to your wife or girlfriend it will read quite differently to an email sent to your boss. It sounds like an ambitious concept to say the least. You can check out the progress made in the video below (in Japanese with subtitles):

Rating: Rating: 5

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