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Monday 17 May 2010

Windows Phone 7 ROM Leak: HTC Mondrian 1st Win Phone 7 Handset?    [ 17-05-2010 15:32 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The first leaked Windows Phone 7 ROM has leaked out and buried in its petticoats is a rather interesting piece of information. Mention is made of what could very well be the first handset to run Windows Phone 7, the HTC Mondrian. The actual reference found is below:

Model: HTC Mondrian (Cingular USA)
AKU: WindowsMobile_7_AKU_6176
Language: 0409_WWE

It will come as no surprise to most readers that HTC should be involved and is likely to be offer the first Windows Phone 7 handset given how closely it has worked with Microsoft in the past and the fact that it almost single handedly kept the old WinMo OS alive no matter how dated and long in the tooth it became. Windows Phone 7 is due to be released later this year and it's a safe bet HTC will have a handset out running it, whether it will be Mondrian or not is another matter. The name, incidentally, isn't random, as IntoMobile points out. Mondrian is the name of a Dutch artist, Pietr Mondrian, who was famous for block paintings that resemble Windows Phone 7's UI. Compare the images below for yourself.

Rating: Rating: 4

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24 Million iPhone HDs to Ship This Year    [ 17-05-2010 14:54 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Mingi-Chi Kuo, a senior analyst at Digitimes, has been spilling some information about the much anticipated next generation iPhone. He thinks the handset will unveiled in three weeks time at Apple's WDC, which just about everyone expects already. The interesting part though is that he says Foxconn, Apple's sub-contractor, will produce some 4.5 million next generation iPhones during the first six months of this year and a whopping 19.5 million during the latter half. That's a total of 24 million iPhones. LG and Prime View International will be the companies of choice for Apple to produce the new iPhone's display, which weighs in at 960x640. The next iPhone is also uping its RAM to 512 MB to bring into line with some of the more recent  smartphones to hit the market like the Nexus One. This is probably the most leaked iPhone in history and we can only imagine there will be more information dripping out onto the web as we approach WDC.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Palm Issues Apology, But No Fix Yet, Over App Catologue Woes    [ 17-05-2010 13:58 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Boy Genius Report     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Palm issued an apology via it's blog over the weekend for the trouble its customers have experienced using the App Catlogue. Essentially users couldn't download anything, whether paid content or free, the app simply wouldn't install. Instead users were treated to a message saying 'Install Failed' once the app had finished downloading. The statement, by product manager Joe Hayashi, reads as follows:

"If you’ve experienced any issues downloading or updating apps from the Palm App Catalog recently, rest assured that Palm is actively working to remedy the situation. If you’ve purchased an app, the transaction has been properly recorded and as soon as this issue is resolved, you’ll be able to access all apps you’ve purchased (or, in the case of free apps, requested to download)."

In the meantime users are still left with apps that won't install, however, help is at hand. PreCentral are saying that reverting your device to any date prior to 10th May will resolve the issue, at least for the time being. Note, you have to go into settings and disable network time for this to work. Apart from the fact that it isn't a full solution to the issue it also means that users will have incorrect calendars, which isn;t very useful now is it? Hopefully Palm get this one fixed sharpish.

Rating: Rating: 1

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BT to Launch Home Tablet    [ 17-05-2010 12:24 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

British Telecom (BT) are apaprently getting ready to roll out a tablet device, but their CEO Ian Livingston, is quite adamant that this isn't an iPad clone and isn't intended to compete with Apple's device. Rather Mr Livingston sees BT's tablet as 'communication' device that will have it's place firmly in the home rather than out and about. To that end BT's tablet will feature voice calls via a Bluetooth headset, video messaging, SMS, email and web apps. The idea is apparently to have "... all your communications in one place" according to Livingston, which begs the question why you would use this device over say ... a smartphone? O2 tried something with their Joggler device, which turned out to be pretty much an expesive digital photo frame. That's not to say that this might not prove a hit, certainly it has a better feature set than the Joggler and it might gain sales on the back of a surge in interest in tablet devices that the iPad seems to be creating, but it's target market probably own similar devices or smartphones already.

Rating: Rating: 4

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