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Thursday 13 May 2010

Froyo Speed Increase Over 2.1 - 450%!    [ 13-05-2010 14:16 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Android Police     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Android Police have managed to get their hands on a Froyo build to test out and test it they have! They've been conducting some speed tests and the results are impressive to say the least. Just before we get to the test results it's worth spending a moment explaining a little something about the test process itself so you hav some idea of what the results actually mean. To carryout the tes they used something called Linpack, which was created to test the performance of Dalvik VM. Dalvik VM is essentially the heart of Android hence why it's being used to put Froyo through its paces. The test measures how fast the handset operates in terms of its floating point power with the result expressed in Millions of Floating Point Operations (MFLOPs). So that's the test and to give you some context here a Nexus One running Android 2.1 scores around the 6.5-7 MFLOPs region. A HTC Hero scored approximately 2 MFLOPs, a good deal slower than the Nexus One as you can see.

Now when the Nexus One was loaded up with Android 2.2 (Froyo) the MFLOPs rating jumped up to an astonishing 37.5 MFLOPs! That equates to an approximate speed increase of 450%! Before we get too excited by this it is worth remembering that real life every day improvements will probably not be anywhere close to 450%, but you are still likely to see a very hefty rise in performance should you be lucky enough to get the update.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Nokia Looks to Man Behind N95 to Deliver Future Success    [ 13-05-2010 13:14 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Business Week     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The last 'big hit' Nokia had was with the N95, a device that sold some 10 million units worldwide and saw Nokia's device operating margins jump to 21%. Since then Nokia hasn't exactly retained that momentum and both Apple and RIM have eaten into those impressive margins, which dipped to 12.1% in Q1. Thus Nokia, determined to have another hit, have turned to Anssi Vanjoki to bring them the success they desire. That name may not be immediately recognisable to you, but Vanjoki is the chap behind the N95 and a 20 year Nokia veteran. Vanjoki is one of the remaining members of the 'Dream Team' at Nokia and according to Gartner "The biggest challenge is that he doesn’t have much time, as Nokia needs to deliver". Vanjoki will get his first chance to hit back against Apple and Nokia's Asian rivals with the upcoming N8, which will see users gain free access to the like sof TV content and maps.

Crucially Vanjoki seems to understand the importance of the user experience in this day and age. He gave an interview to the All About Symbian blog, in which he levelled some harsh criticism towards the N97, "The N97 has been a tremendous success for us when it comes to how many did we ship and how much money did we collect,” he said. “But it has been a tremendous disappointment in terms of the experience quality for the consumers, something we did not anticipate". That straightforward manner hasn't always served him well, comments he made about copying what's good in other products were picked up on by Apple in their patent suit against Nokia. At any rate Nokia have placed their trust in the man who delivered before, now he needs to repeat the feat.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Erick Tseng Leaves Android Behind for Facebook    [ 13-05-2010 10:45 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Android, and by extension Google, have taken a bit of a blow with the news that Erick Tseng, the chap who was an integral part of the Android team, and some may even say pretty much ran it, has left the Googleplex behind and taken up residence at Facebook. Mr Tseng announced his new job on his Twitter feed:

Google might not see it so much as someone simply moving on in their career, but more as a defection given the rivalry that has sprung up between Mountain View and Facebook. Still, with Tseng onboard one wonders what Facebook has up its sleeve for the mobile space; it's a good bet that it's probably sweet whatever it is.

Rating: Rating: 1

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