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Tuesday 11 May 2010

New Symbian^3 Reference Library Released    [ 11-05-2010 16:30 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Symbian Blog     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Symbian have let loose a new version of the Symbian^3 reference library for developers to work with. There is more content available in the library than previous versions and thee have been the obligatory bug fixes of course. That's not to say it's all running peachy, there are still some bugs, which have bene documented on their wiki page. The previous release was late last year, but whilst this is a new version it is based upon that older version so, as Symbian said themselves "The library will look quite familiar in places ...". The update has come about, according to Symbian, because of the work Nokia have been putting into the paltform over the past several months: "Nokia have been hard at work converting the content to a standard format (more of that in a future blog post), contributing it to us under EPL and providing an open source tool chain to allow us to combine the content with API reference built from doxygen comments in code. The resulting fruits of their labours is the library you see today, which has also had significant input from Symbian’s web development and delivery teams".

You can download the library here and make sure you report any bugs you find here.

Rating: Rating: 1

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3 to Sell iPhone 'Imminently'    [ 11-05-2010 14:51 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Almost all the networks in the UK now offer the iPhone, whether officially or (like T-Mobile) unofficially, but one notable exception has been 3. That looks to change soon though because noises are being heard from 3 that the iPhone will be making its way there 'imminently'. Of course this is nothing new, there has been speculation before that 3 would get the iPhone, but now 3 themselves have come out and said so and have gone as far as even dropping a hint that they may be getting the new iPhone, expected to be announced on 7th June. Marc Allera, 3's Sales and Marketing Director, said "We expect to range the iPhone imminently; we're currently talking to Apple and trying to get an agreement in place. We're confident and expect to be [offering it to 3 customers], so watch this space." When asked whether 3 would be offering the older version(s) of the iPhone or the next generation model Allera replied that June, the expected announcement date, "isn't that far away". He went on to say that 3 would obviously like to sell the latest iPhone, but to be fair there was no definite answer one way or another.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Orange & T-Mobile To Be Known As 'Everything Everywhere'    [ 11-05-2010 14:22 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's easy to forget that Orange UK and T-Mobile UK aremerging, easy to forget because they still have completely seperate brand identities. Well it doesn't look as if that is going to change any time soon. Instead the joint venture between the two companies will be known as 'Everything Everywhere', a rather cumbersome and some might say overly ambitious name. The actual front-end of each network i.e. the shops, branding etc, will stay the same as it is just now, so Orange customers are not suddenly going to be receiving bills with the T-Mobile logo and vice versa. This isn't really a big surprise because the point of the venture was always on saving money in the back-end i.e. the network buildout and shared synergy.

What is new, and very ambitious, is that the joint venture is looking to move beyondmobile phones. They are looking at opening up new revenue streams, most likely from providing content and maybe even moving into other media spaces like home phones and/or television. Orange itself is no stranger to the television game, having dipped its toe in the water previously. The scale of the company, 30 million customers strong or roughly half Britain's population, seems to be the driving force behind these ambitions as the venture admits: "With the company's new coverage and scale, it also intends to ramp up offers to the business market, with the best propositions and value for businesses across Britain."

Rating: Rating: 1

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Hack the iPad to Use External HDD    [ 11-05-2010 13:52 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The iPad, for all its geeky appeal, doesn't play nice with other devices, especially the likes of printers and external hard drives. However, as you might suspect there is a way around the iPad's reluctance to talk to these devices. One bright chap by the name of Maxwell C Shay has found a way, using the Spirit jailbreak solution, to rig the iPad up to use an external HDD. It's not the most elegant hack in the world it has to be said, but the important thing is that it works. You start off by jailbreaking your iPad and you will need the iPad camera connection kit and a split USB cable, oh and an external HDD of course. You use a computer to SSH into the iPad and fool it into mounting the HDD, which is connected to the computer and iPad via the split USB cable (the split is to allow it to be hooked up to the computer for power).

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: Froyo & Flash Together on Nexus One    [ 11-05-2010 11:53 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Android and Me via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A pretty interesting video has come to light showing Flash running on a Nexus One under Froyo. The video is interesting for two reasons; i) Flash looks to be running pretty smoothly and ii) the handset is running Froyo. In fact, whilst te video was intended to showcase Flash running on Android it's the latter point that is of the most interest. Google are expected to unveil their latest 2.2 (Froyo) update to Android at the end of this month and this video gives us a little sneak peek at what to expect.  Towards the end of the video we can see the homescreen on the handset and there looks to be elements like an updated launcher, Android tutorial and a global search box. You can check out the video for yourself below.

Rating: Rating: 1

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