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Friday 07 May 2010

UK Networks Unveil iPad Tariffs    [ 07-05-2010 21:54 ]

Author: Irina Turina     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Well the iPad is available for pre-order in the UK and to go with it the various networks have unveiled their data plan pricing for the 3G model and to be blunt ... they suck. The first point to note is that not all the UK networks are represented, notable by their absence are T-Mobile and 3. It's a bit of an odd one for 3 since they are usually tooting about how good their 3G coverage is. At any rate the tariffs themselves aren't all that exciting and, perhaps unsurprisingly, Vodafone comes out as being the most expensive. The chart below shows the state of play.

O2 and Orange seem to beofferring the most reasonable deal with their 3 Gb for £15/month offer, but 3 Gb really isn't all that much, especially if you decide to kill some time with YouTube. Orange's 1 Gb/week package at £7.50/week is quite frankly laughable. Vodafone really ups the ante in the game of who can offer the worst deal though: 250 MB/month for £10. Yes I did indeed type 'MB', not 'GB'. Why are networks even offerring tariffs that are based on megabyte usage in this day and age?

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: iPhone HD Casing Seen Again, Confirms Design    [ 07-05-2010 20:55 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Smartphone Medic     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Smartphonr Medic have posted up a video of someone having a bit of a play with a casing for the new iPhone. I know that might not sound thrilling, 'Just a casing?' some may exclaim, but the important thing is that it's the same casing shown in Gizmodo's coverage of the lost iPhone. If these cases are actually being produced then it's probably a safe bet to take it that this is how the next iPhone will actually look and that the one Gizmodo had wasn't an early model that would later see design changes or anything like that. You can check out the video below:

Rating: Rating: 1

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Two Moto Phones Peek Out    [ 07-05-2010 19:02 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Ah what secrets are contained within the petticoats of the Bluetooth SIG website! Today it's two clamshell Motorola handsets that have stepped into the light of day. The Moto i897 Amphora, as some might have guessed from the 'i' in its name, is an iDen handset, most likely for the Sprint network in America. Of note is the presence of a Ferrari logo on the handset. No idea what the tie in will be, but it's there nonetheless. The other handset is the WX415 Heartland and again this is destined for the New World, most probably CDMA networks throughoutt he Americas in fact. A couple of points of note here; touch sensitive music controls and an external screen. Nothing too flash. Neither handset appears to be especially high-end so there's probably not much to ge worked up about here, still it would be nice to know what the deal is with that Ferrari logo ...

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: Wiimote Used to Play Games in Android    [ 07-05-2010 17:14 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

This is a pretty sweet setup it has to be said, a Wiimote used to control the action in a game on a Nexus One. It was done using the Wii Controller app, which is in alpha at the moment. The chap in the video has hooked up a Wiimote and is quite happily using it to play a game from the SNES emulator on his handset. It certainly an interesting mashup and might be something that the bigger handed of our readers would find useful given that using a touchscreen to play games isn't always the easiest of solutions for everyone. Check out the video to see the fun:

Rating: Rating: 3

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Moto MT810 Supports Capacitive & Resisitive Screens    [ 07-05-2010 16:38 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Last week we reported on a leaked Motorola handset for the Chinese market that featured a 3D display, well it's cropped up again this week, albeit with a new name. Last week it known as the MT810 and now it's the MT820. The Chinese telecoms regulator is only showing the MT810 on its databse and it isn't clear whether this is a different model of handse (slightly different one would imagine from the names) or simply a change of name. At any rate a fe wmore details have emerged like the fact that it will capture video at 710p and that the flip cover has a capacitive touch layer. Interestingly enough though the flip layar isn't the only touch sensitive zone on the handset, the actual screen is also touch sensitive, but this time it uses resisitive technology. Why the difference? Well to hazard a guess it's probably easier to use a stylus to draw out Chinese characters than it is using a finger.


Rating: Rating: 1

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Blackberry 9670 Clamshell Shows Off New OS    [ 07-05-2010 15:44 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: PhoneArena     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Some rather interesting pictures have come to light showing off a new Blackberry clamshell running their latest OS, version 6 in case you didn't know. Whilst the pictures of the handset are interesting in and of themselves they are perhaps more interesting for what they don't show, but more on that in a moment. The clamshell, the 9670, isn't much to look at in these pictures it has to be said. In essence it looks like a normal Blackberry with a dirty great hinge rammed into the middle of it. To be fair it doesn't look entirely awful when opened, but turning to the closed picture it looks cumbersome and at the same time overly plastic. Of course this is an unreleased handset and perhaps it will morph into a stunning set piee in Blackberry's lineup. At any rate the interesting thing about the 9670 is that it is indeed a clamshell and not, as one might have expected, a touchscreen. Why a touchscreen? Well if you look back to Blackberry's unveiling of it's OS 6 the dmeo videos were setup to show the OS running ona  touchscreen handset and given the preponderance of touchscreen handsets these days it's not unreasonable to assume Blackberry might want to add to their own touchscreen lineup.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Sony Ericsson Sees 292% Smartphone Growth    [ 07-05-2010 14:42 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: SE-Blog.com     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Sony Ericsson has been something of the 'sick man' of the mobile industry over the past couple of years, consistently seeing its products delayed and perform poorly when they were released. Revenues and profits had taken a tumble and all in all things didn't look good for the Swedish-Japanese partnership. However, earlier this year they reported a modest boost in their finances and are now looking at an incredible 292% growth rate in their smartphone sales. The figure is for year on year growth from Q1 2009 to Q1 2010 and by the looks of it the boost has come chiefly from sales of Satio and Vivaz. The figure doesn;t taken into account sales of the X10 so it will be of great interest to see how much Sony Ericsson's latest flagship product has affected this figure, and indeed the company's performance overall. With smartphone sales doing well across North America and Europe Sony Ericsson migth be well palced to capitalise on the trend with the X10, but also with the X10 and X10 Mini set to be released imminently in Europe.

Rating: Rating: 1

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HTC Sees Revenues Surge    [ 07-05-2010 14:08 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

HTC have reason to be laughing all the way to the bank, their balance sheet is looking pretty healthy thanks to some record breaking monthly revenues. April say the Taiwanese manufacturer draw in £390 million in revenue, which represents a hefty increase over the same period the preceeding year. In the first four months of this year in all HTC brought in some £1.1 billion in revenue, almost 33% greater than the same period in 2009. HTC has released some very successful handsets over the past year, which will have gone a long way to helping those figures climb as high as they did; products like the Hero and the more recent Desire. The Desire has been selling extremely well in the UK with at least one network, Orange, reporting that they had sold out at one point. The Legend has also been receiving high praise and with more Android handses on the way as well as Windows Phone 7 handsets later this year HTC looks to be sitting pretty.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Android Running on the iPhone 3G    [ 07-05-2010 13:28 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: PCWorld     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You may recall that not all that long ago a video appeared showing Android running merrily on an iPhone 2G. Well some bright spark of a boffin has gotten it up and running on an iPhone 3G. It's a bit of a 'rough' port according to PCWorld with apps that require audio support or that sens SMS messages not functioning. However, web browsing and all other apps work just dandy! Some improvements have been made frome arlier ports such as increased WiFi stability and work has been carried out on audio support which will apparently be ready to roll shortly. Battery life is anothe area that has seen some love with improved power management and backlight control. In short, and to quote:

"The hope is that you should soon be able to carry around your first-generation iPhone or iPhone 3G running Android and use it just as normally as you would any other Android phone."

PCWorld are saying that the public at large can give it a go themselves in a few days once they release the binaries and instructions.

Rating: Rating: 1

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