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Friday 18 June 2010

Palm Working On New Devices & web0S Revamp    [ 18-06-2010 19:06 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

After HP's acqusition of Palm there were plenty of questions about what direction Palm, and its widely praised webOS platform, might take in the future.Those questions are still being asked, but today we got an answer ... well sort of. During a webinar one Palm rep let loose with the following nugget of information when asked about Palm's future roadmap:

I’m not allowed to talk about future roadmaps, especially because we’re in the process of being acquired by HP, so I can’t say. But yes we have a road map. We are working on future devices. And [a] new version of the OS. So I think, you’re going to find the next year very exciting.

Whilst the statement is interesting from the point of view that it seemingly confirms that Palm will remain a player in the industry and that it does have plans for future products it raises more questions than it asks really. The word 'devices' can be taken so many ways, indeed some might even wonder whether it was used deliberately so as not to mention phones if Palm, after being acquired by HP, focuses on tablets in the future. Certainly there are strong indications that there is a webOS tablet in the works, but hopefully we see Palm producing more phones too. Neither the Pre nor the Pixi were particularly great in terms of hardware so it would be good if Palm got another crack of the whip there.

Rating: Rating: 5

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Microsoft Offers iPhone Devs Cold Hard Cash    [ 18-06-2010 18:40 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

PocketGamer.biz, a gaming site, are reporting that Microsoft are contacting iPhone developers with a view to convincing them to port their games over to Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 platform. The real story here though is how Microsoft are attempting to persuade developers to port games, basically they're offering to pay them. Pocket Gamer states "Microsoft is contacting successful iPhone developers, offering them upfront cash to port their games to the new platform". Commenting on one developer in particular PocketGamer described the monetary amount involved as being 'substantial', but the developer in question apparently wasn't tempted.

The strategy is interesting to say the least, not least because it gives some insight into Redmond's thinking. The iPhone app store has been a monumental success for Apple and a huge part of that success has been the large choice of quality game titles available. Microsoft are essentially launching a new OS with Windows Phone 7 and getting a good portfolio of games for users is one way to help make sure it has the best possible start. Clearly Microsoft has an uphill battle though if developers aren't being tempted even by 'substantial' amount of upfront cash. Mind you the conversion process woouldn't be something that a developer would undertake lightly given the work involved; iOS is based on Objective-C whilst Windows Phone 7 uses Silverlight or C#. Then again Microsoft has deep pockets so maybe those substantial offers can be made even more substantial?

Rating: Rating: 2

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O2 Not Selling iPhone 4 To New Customers    [ 18-06-2010 18:25 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

O2 are restricting sales of the upcoming iPhone 4 to existing customers when the handset intially launches on 24th June due to what O2 expects to be a combination of low stock levels in the UK and high demand. In fact O2 are sayingt hat iPhone 4 stock in the UK will be 'extremely limited' and are warning that not everyone who wants one will actually be able to get one. The restrictions will be in place until at least the end of July and serves to underscore just how severe O2 expects the stock shortage to be, no company would willingly give up access to new customers unless it felt it had to. I spoke with some contacts at O2 earlier today and they told me that the restrictions being put in place to maximise stock wouldn't just affect new customers, but staff too in so far as staff will not be allowed to upgrade to the iPhone 4 for the first month, mirroring the situation with new customers. There has been no word of similar restrictions from the other UK networks ... yet, so it will be interesting to see just how low the stock levels are across the board when the iPhone does finally launch.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Orange Gets Set to Launch HD Voice Calls    [ 18-06-2010 17:53 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Orange UK have been talking up HD voice calsl for a while now, but until recently that's pretty much all they've been doing. Well 2010 is the year that the service will allegedly go live across the United Kingdom with Orange offering a timeframe of 'late summer'. So what's the big deal? Well in a nutshell HD voicecalls do for voice calls what HD has done for video, namely improve quality. The HD system uses a new codec in the form of WB-AMR (WideBand-Adaptive Multi Rate), which widens the bandiwdth used for the call from the present 200-3400 MHz to 50-7000 MHz. The chaps over at Pocket-lint have managed to give the system a go and they are talking it up saying that the differenc between the new HD system and current calls is genuinely noticeable and feels more 'natural'. So what's the catch? Well as you might expect the technology will have to be rolled out across Orange's network, but as mentioned above they are saying this should be completed by late summer. The other requirement is on the user's end in the form of a handset that can support HD calls. Initially this will be restricted to the Nokia E72, but it's important to note that not every E72 currently available will support HD calls. It's certainly an interesting development and one that has the potential to genuinely enhance the customer experience instea dof the oh so many gimmicks that all networks try from time to time. Make sure you check out the video below:

Rating: Rating: 2

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Apple Launches 'Find My iPhone' App    [ 18-06-2010 17:03 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

In a move that has caused some confusion Apple have releasd a new Find My iPhone app in the app store. The app duplicates the service that was previously only available through the web interface of their MobileMe service. You still need a MobileMe account to use the new app so there is no change there, but you no longer have to use the web interface to access the service. This is the perplexing part though because you are obviously not meant to install the app on your own iPhone/iPod Touc/iPad since if it becomes lost you can't use the app! Presumably Apple are intending you to either own several Apple devices so you can use the app on a different device or install it on a friend's iPhone. It seems a bit convoluted if you ask us, but if it helps people find their property it's all good.

Rating: Rating: 5

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