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Thursday 17 June 2010

Google Working On UI Improvements For Android    [ 17-06-2010 18:43 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: TechCrunch     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Some rather interesting news is coming out about Android today, interesting in itself, and for its implications. Michael Arrington of TechCrunch fame is saying that the big G's Android team are hard at work on a refresh of Android's UI. The idea behind the work is twofold; the most obvious objective being to provide a better user experience for Android users, but there is another goal here too. Google  are apparently looking to provide a good enough user experience for Android on their own so that handset manufacturers like HTC will be discouraged from putting their own customised UIs on top of Android.

It's certainly true that such custom UIs have proven very popular amongst customers, one only has to look at HTC's SENSE UI to see that, however, all those custom UIs are a bit of a headache for both Google and Android customers in the long term. Google has been releasing updates to its Android OS at a breakneck speed and even with some analysts predicting that the pace of change will gradually slow the presence of custom UIs means that there is more fragmentation in the OS as manufacturers have to play catch-up in getting new versions of Android ready to work with their UI. Sony Ericsson, for example, has come in for criticism from customers after its X10 flagship launched with Android 1.6 and a custom UI that means an update to 2.1 (Eclair) won't be any sooner than Q3 of this year. Let's hope then that the Android team are successful and that customers can look forward to faster updates.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Blackberry Roadmap Compiled For Your Viewing Pleasure    [ 17-06-2010 18:28 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

An analyst at RBC Capital Markets, Mike Abramsky, has very handily created a table of upcoming Blackberry products from the copious information that has been leaking from the Canadian manufacturer over the past several months. There are also some new pieces of information present, such as the Onyx Delta, which is now listed as the 9900, whereas before it as being refered to as the 9700a and was thought to be little more than a rehash. Rather it is being touted as featuring a touchscreen here. Check out the table at the bottom for the full details of what is known at present and the list below shows what should be released and when.

  • BlackBerry Bold/Torch/Talladega 9800 – $199-$299, due August on AT&T, who has a 6-month exclusive
  • BlackBerry Kepler 9300/9330- $99 – $149, due Q3
  • BlackBerry Atlas 8910 – $49 – $149, due Q3/Q4 in China and India
  • BlackBerry Onyx Delta 9900/9700a – $199 – $299, due Q3/Q4
  • BlackBerry Oxford 9670 (clamshell) – $199, due Q3/Q4 on Verizon
  • BlackBerry Dakota/Magnum – $199 – $299, due Q4

Rating: Rating: 1

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Toshiba Announces 128 GB NAND Modules    [ 17-06-2010 17:22 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Toshiba are said to be prepping its new bried of NAND flash memory for launch in September this year. The new modules come in a very delish 128 GB flavour, making them the largest commercially available modules when they become available. On the technical side of things the new modules, named THGBM2T0DBFBAIF (it just rolls off the tongue) combine 16 64Gbit (4 GB) NAND chips using 32nm processing techniques and feature an integrated dedicated controller. The modules are specifically designed for use in smartphones, which raises the prospect of the enxt generation of smartphones uping the game from today's current ceiling of 32 GB. There is even some speculation that the iPhone 5 (yes we know iPhone 4 isn't even fully on sale yet) might use these new chips to boost its storage capacity. Certainly the lack of a memory upgrade was notable amongst those watching Apple's latest keynote. Amazingly it's only 5 years since a 1 GB internal memory was consiered a luxury!

Rating: Rating: 5

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CDMA iPhone ... New Life For An Old Rumour    [ 17-06-2010 17:21 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: DiGiTimes via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's one of the longest running rumours in the mobile market today ... the CDMA iPhone. The prospect first raised its head way back in 2007 when there was speculation that Apple might release a CDMA version of its (then) new product for the Verizon network in the U.S. Despite no sign of a CDMA version over the past 3 years the rumour has never really gon away and every once in a while it pops back up for some attention. Well the latest source to raise the issue is Taiwan's DigiTimes who are saying that Pegatron (no not a Transformer, rather ASUStek's OEM manufacturing operation) will start shipping CDMA iPhone 4s sometime in Q4 of this year from its Shanghai factory. There are a couple of points to reinforce the rumour, namely that a Q4 shipping date would coincide with Apple's iPod event in September, which might be a good opportunity to announce a tie-in with Verizon. It's also just in time for the crucial Christmas shopping period.

Rating: Rating: 1

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