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Monday 21 June 2010

Huge iPhone 4 Global Shortage Looming?    [ 21-06-2010 17:44 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

We mentioned last week that British networks were expecting there to be a shortage of iPhone 4s when launch day rolls around on 24th June. Well it's not just British networks that will be seeing a shortage if oneanalyst is to be believed. Ashok Kumar, an analyst with Roadman Renshaw, is citing sources at Apple's manufacturing and supply partners as sayinf that production issues tied to the new retina display will see a hold up in terms of how many units can be produced. The problem, in a nutshell, is to do with the in-plane switching, which is a part of the structure that controls the pixels on the screen. In terms of getting the issue resolved we're apparently looking at an August timefarem, but that's a good two months after launch so chances are that many people around the world who are planning on snapping up an iPhone 4 this week will be left disappointed. Mr Kumar actually mentions the production figures and says that production is likely to be downgraded from 4 million units per month to half of that figure. Obviously that will have a major impact on how many people can get an iPhone 4 over the coming months and with the iPhone 4 set to be released in more countries as the summer rolls on the problem may only get worse.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Symbian^3 One Step Closer to Release    [ 21-06-2010 17:01 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Symbian^3 is almost ready to fly towards the masses according to a tweet by Mark Skrebels, who is the Senior Release Manager and Chairman of the Release Council at the Symbian Foundation. His tweet stated that the OS is now 'functionally complete', which in layman's terms means that it is now ready to go into the hands of OEMs, developers and networks for testing, evaluation and bug fixing. This isn't a mass market release yet, but it is the step right before that as the community gets a chance to put the OS through its paces in what is known as the 'hardening' stage. Hopefully, and probably, this hardening period won't take a huge amount of time. We say probably because the Nokia N8 is due for release later this year and it will be the first handset to run Symbian^3 so a time period of a fe months is likely for the hardening stage. There is expected to be an alpha version of the SDK released late this month with a beta SDK following at some point in August and the full on final version of the SDK hitting developers around October. That puts the actual release of the OS itself not too long after that, just in time for Christmas actually.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: S AMOLED vs AMOLED vs LCD    [ 21-06-2010 16:57 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechBlog     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Techblog has carried out a most interesting test indeed to determine the readability of different screen technology in direct sunlight. For the test they pitted three handsets, each using a different technology for their displays, against one another in the glorious sunshine of Greece. The Samsung Galaxy S brought a Super AMOLED display to the table whilst the HTC Desire and the Sony Ericsson X10 brought an AMOLED and a TFT LCD respectively. One of the harshest criticisms of AMOLED displays has been that they suffer in direct sunlight and if you look at the picture below you can see instantly that very criticism when you see the Desire and X10 side by side.

The X10 is noticeably more legible than the Desire, which is really pretty much unreadable, the icons on the screen barely showing at all. Look at the Galaxy S though, it's looking pretty good sitting there and rivals the X10's LCD display for clarity in sunlight. At times during the video there isn't much between the Galaxy S and the X10 and Samsung look like they have cracked the sunlight problem for AMOLED screens. The only thing they have to do now is build more of them, but with the current supply problems and their factories operating at capacity that's be easier said than done.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Microsoft Launches Windows Live for ... the iPhone    [ 21-06-2010 16:23 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Who would have thought it, Microsoft releasing an app for Apple's app store? Well actually quite a few people probably given how successful the app store is. The app in question is of course a Windows Live Messenger app, but it's not just a one trick pony before you dismiss it. In addition to working across iPhone, iPads and iPod Touches, the app includes support for Facebook, Myspace, YouTube and Flickr support. Oh and Hotmail too! You may have noticed we haven't mentioned a certain 140 character limited service there and for good reason, the app has no Twitter support, which seems a bizarre ommission, especially given that it includes support for Myspace. Hopefully that's something that is rectified in a future update. A possible saving grace might be that it works with Yahoo! messenger so that you can IM people using that platform too and you can share pictures with contacts directly in the app. It might not be perfect yet, but it's free so you might as well check it out when iOS4 rolls out sometime today.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Video: Droid 2 Shown Off    [ 21-06-2010 15:57 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Android and Me     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The chaps over at Android and Me have managed to get their paws on a Moto Droid 2 and have been displaying it for all to see on camera. After the first shots leaked recently it was plain to see that the design had had some reworking from the original Droid and you can see that in this video with the navigation pad having been removed from the keyboard and the keys themselves having been changed. The change aren't just on the outside though, under the hood the Droid's 500 MHz processor has been swapped for a 1 GHz beast and the RAM has been beefed up to 512 MB. Annoyingly this new power isn't on show in the video as the handset remains powered off for the duration so unless another video pops out soon you will just have to wait until the handset is fully released to see that.

Rating: Rating: 1

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