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Tuesday 15 June 2010

SE Unveils 3 New Handsets    [ 15-06-2010 23:28 ]

Author: Serge Novikov     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's been a busy day for Sony Ericsson, announcing three new handsets as they have. We'll get to them all, don't worry, but let's start with the X8 ...

The X8, previously known as Shakira, is the latest addition to the Sony Ericsson XPERIA range of handsets and it falls somewhere in between the X10 Mini and the X10 in terms of placement. Specs wise we're looking at something decidedly more middle of the road than the X10, but that doesn't mean it's a slouch.

  • 3" HVGA capacitive touchscreen
  • 3.2 MP camera
  • 128 MB internal
  • 600 MHz processor
  • Android 1.6 running Timescape

Note the inclusion of Android 1.6, still no Android 2.1 for Sony Ericsson, but they did at least confirm that the Xperia range would be getting an update to 2.1 in Q3. The interesting thing about that is the update will apparently be across the Xperia range as a whole, which makes you wonder if this is how Sony Ericsson will conduct its update sin the future. You should be able to get your hands on an X8 sometime in Q3.

The second new handset is Cedar, part of Sony Ericsson's Greenheart range of environmentally friendly products. As with other Greenheart products it's made from recycled materials and it has a lower power consumption than most other mobiles. The specs aren't going to set the world on fire to be fair, but it will make a perfectly fine phone for those looking for something simple and to the point. In terms of release we're looking at Q3.

Last, but certainly not least, is Yendo. No it isn't a Barbara Streisand film it's Sony Ericsson's new Walkman handset and lays claim to the title of the first full touchscreen Walkman handset. The screen is 2.6" and has the four corners navigation options like the X10 Mini before it. Yendo will be available ina  range of colours, 10 in all, and will most likely be targeted towards the youth market. Interestingly enough there is no 3G support in Yendo, just EDGE. Oh ... before we forget, no it doesn't run Android.

Rating: Rating: 1

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iVuvuzela ... Most Annoying iPhone App Ever?    [ 15-06-2010 14:40 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

In what may very well prove to be the most annoying iPhone app ever, and that's saying something, the inevitable transition from pitch to app store has been made by the vuvuzela. The South African trumpet has been heard at many of the games already played with many fans complaining that it is annoying and several asking for it to be banned at games. The app was designed by Dutchmen and ironically many Dutch fans have been rather vocal in their dislike of the instrument and the Dutch coach, Bert van Persie, has even banned them from training sessions. Jeroen Retra, one of the app's designers said "It's the Vuvuzela jackpot." It certainly is as it's proving far more popular than the real thing with more than a million downloads already, most originating from the UK, France and Germany. By comparison the website http://banvuvuzela.com has wracked up some 81,000 votes calling for the instrument to be banned although organisers have insisted that it will remain a part of the World Cup. Perhaps the app isn't proving as unpopular because the noise level it can produce on an iPhone or iPod Touch is only around 90 decibels, the real horn goes up to 130 decibels. Mind you for that authentic touch another of iVuvuzela's designers offers the following advice "... you can always hook it up to an amplifier."

Rating: Rating: 2

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Rumour: Sony Ericsson Julie - Windows Phone 7 Handset    [ 15-06-2010 14:35 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: sebbs.it168.com via Techie Buzz     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's a hot day for Sony Ericsson rumours it seems with the various websites running reports that the Swedish-Japanese joint venture is readying yet another large touchscreen handset for launch. The new device, codenamed Julie, will allegedly sport a 4 inch screen, similar to their current flagship the X10, but unlike the Android powered X10 Julie is said to be running with Microsoft's latest and greatest, Windows Phone 7. Another difference from the X10, and one that hopefully shows Sony Ericsson are listening to their fans, is the inclusion of multi-touch support. The handset will, predicatbly, be running on a 1 GHz Snapdragon processor and will apparently feature a slide out QWERTY keyboard. Of course this is still very much at the speculation and rumour stage so make sure you have a pinch of salt ready when reading this, but one final thought to leave you with ... Windows Phone 7 comes with support for Xbox Live, which is a direct competitor to Sony's own Playstation Network. If Julie proves real then Sony might have to dance with the devil a little ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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WSJ Confirms Blackberry Tablet?    [ 15-06-2010 14:26 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: WSJ via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Amidst a story on the Blackberry Bold 9800 and Blackberry OS 6.0 the Wall Street Journal has seemingly confirmed that RIM are indeed working on a tablet device of their own and that it may even be launched before the year is out. The talk at the moment is of a tablet that will hook up to your existing Blackberry for its connectivity to the cloud instea dof having its own built in 3G connection like the iPad. If that does indeed turn out to be the case it isn't great news for those using older Blackberries that lack 3G connections. That's not a problem on a Blackberry of course since they famously use very little bandwidth, but when you are trying to surf on a larger screened device you are perhaps going to want to take part in a little more data intensive activity than you would with your handset. Importantly though the Wall Street Journal mentions that the tablet is still at an early stage of production so that should probably be taken to mean that very little is set ins tone at the moment and that things might (and probably will) change down the line.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Apple Launches Apple Store App    [ 15-06-2010 14:21 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple have launched a a new Apple Store app for the App Store. The new app essentially duplicates the functionality of Apple's current web based store on your iPhone and honestly it's a wonder they haven't done this before now. The new app is currently not working as intended, probably a result of one of its features, namely the ability to pre-order the iPhone, pre-orders for which started today in selected countries. Once it is up and running, however, it will offer some pretty cool functionality right from your handset like being able to book Genius Bar appointments or signing up to local workshops as well as ordering Apple products of course. It's wise to point out at this stage that the app is currently only available in the U.S. app store, but no doubt it will find its way to other countries soon enough.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Sony Ericsson To Announce New XPERIA Device    [ 15-06-2010 00:52 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: SE-NSE     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Sony Ericsson are set to announce a new member of their XPERIA family, a handset codenamed Shakira, that today is revealed to be the X8. In terms of spacing the handset falls between the X10 flagship and the X10 Mini. The question of course is there a need for a ahndset to fill this space? Sony Ericsson obviously think so, but they ahve been accused of producing redundant products in the past and some may wonder whether we are seeing that very issue arise here. Nevertheless a few pictures of the new handset have emerged so take a look at them below. In terms of specs, pricing, etc there isn't much information available at the moment, which is to say none.


Rating: Rating: 5

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