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Friday 11 June 2010

Orange Follows O2's Lead: Scrapping Unlimited Data    [ 11-06-2010 16:21 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: The Register     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The death of the unlimited data bundle continues to spread in the Uk with The Register reporting that industry sources close to Orange Uk are saying that the network will be looking to scrap their unlimited data bundles from this summer. The change would apply to new and upgrading customers, customers in contract who currently have an unlimited data tariff would not see any change unless they upgraded at some future point. Orange hasn't confirmed any of this publicly yet, but the afore mentioned sources made it clear that Orange were planning to follow O2's lead. The move isn't quite as bad as it may first appear since UK networks have bene using th term 'unlimited' to mean allowances that are in fact capped by a fair usage policy. Having said that a cap on data usage will almost certainly affect many hundreds of thousands of customers, if not millions who are heavy data users. O2 put the figure of customers using large amounts of data at 3% of their 21 million strong customer base, which gives a figure of around 630,000. If all the other networks were to follow suit there could be as many as 2 million customers affected by the data caps. That's a tempting target to pursue for any network that decides to keep an unlimited option.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Most Popular Apps Across Mobile OS    [ 11-06-2010 15:44 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nielsen, the ratings company, have conducted a survey of the most popular apps across a range of mobile OS platforms. The results make for interesting, if somewhat unsurprising reading. Facebook comes out on top across all platforms surveyed as the most downloaded application used with one glaring exception; Android. It does manage to muster a pretty convincing second place on Android, but is a good bit behind Android's most downloaded app, Google Maps. On the iPhone and Blackberry platforms Facebook reigns supreme, indeed Blackberry Facebook downloads make it the front runner by a wide margin and in a reversal from the Android stats Google Maps is beat into second place pretty convincingly. You can check out the positions of different apps for yourself in the chart below.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: Droid 2 Leaks    [ 11-06-2010 12:51 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Droid Life     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The Droid, the insanely popular Android offerring from Motorola, has had its successor revealed to the public albeit before Motorola might have liked. The Droid 2 has cropped up on the interwebs in all its blurrycam glory. Fans of the original Droid will no doubt immediately notice the change to the keyboard, which has been made more tactile and has had the d-pad removed. The handset is running a 750 MHz chip, no doubt similar to the 720 MHz effort running the XT720. The display weights in at 3.7" and the handset is packing 8 GB of internals torage with another 8 GB on a bundled memory card for a total of 16 GB. Camera wise we're looking at a 5 MP effort here, which is pretty much standard fare these days. Now for the not so good news ... there is no HDMI and arguably more importantly no Froyo! Test units are said to be running Android 2.1 at the moment, which, to be fair, doesn't rule out a Froyo upgrade in the immediate future. Make sure you scroll down past the picture for the video.

Rating: Rating: 3

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