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Thursday 10 June 2010

Moto Planning Android 'Superphone' Running 2 GHz Snapdragon    [ 10-06-2010 18:33 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: NGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Motorola look to be preparing an Android 'super phone' for year's end according to reports by ConceivablyTech. During a presentation to the Execute Club Motorola's CEO, Snjay Jha, talked about video calling support in future devices amongst other things, but the information of interest here is what he said about Motorola's plans for later this year. He let slip that Moto were looking at releasing a superphone running Android that would be powered by a whopping 2 GHz Snapdragon chip, the fastest commerically available at the moment run at 1 GHz. Sadly Mr Jha wasn't forthcoming with any further details ... so it's a good thing that another Motorola executive was. Speaking on condition of anonymity the unnamed executive revealed that the new superphone would be packing some impressive specs besides its processor:

  • NVIDIA Tegra GPU
  • a camera with "more than 5 MP"
  • HD video recording
  • HD display
  • 720p out
  • Flash 10.1 support
  • Gyroscope

At this point you might be thinking that this phone is either made up or must have been designed after having read through the wish list on just about any mobile phone forum, but for the sake of not completely dashing all our hopes Motorola, if they aren't already, have to build this now!

Rating: Rating: 5

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O2 UK Scraps Unlimited iPhone Data    [ 10-06-2010 18:05 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

With the immiment arrival of the iPhone 4 in the UK there is heightened interest in what, if any, changes will be made to the various networks' iPhone tariffs. Steup up O2. O2 was the first network in Britain to sell the iPhone when it got the exclusive rights to the 2G version way back in 2007. It is no longer the exclusive partner, but it will be selling the iPhone 4 come 24th June and today saw them releasing their new iPhone tariffs to a mixture of disbelief and anger. Why the upset? Well in a nutshell they;ve scrapped their unlimited data option that came with all their iPhone tariffs. Instead customers will now receive a data allowance of anywhere between 500 MB and 1 GB depending upon which tariff they choose. At the lower end of the spectrum the lowest tariff gives 500 MB, unlimited texts and just 100 minutes for £25/month over 2 years. At the other end the highest tariff gives 1 GB of data, unlimited texts and unlimited minutes for £60/month over 2 years. With O2's network increasingly being seen as lacklustre at best following a string of failures and outages these changes won't do much to restore confidence in the network's commitment to its customers.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Microsoft Hints at October Release for Windows Phone 7    [ 10-06-2010 17:43 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

TechRadar are reporting that they have had confirmation that Windows 7 smartphones might be arriving in the UK this October. Whilst saying that October was a possible launch window Brandon Watson, Microsoft's Director of Developer Experience for Windows Phone (what a mouthful of a job title!), did maintain the party line that Microsoft were still officially looking at a release window (pardon the pun) of the 'holiday season' i.e. Christmas. He did say that developers would be receiving test phones to work with this July though. Windows 7 will be Microsoft's latest atempt at wresting back some space in the mobile market after its previous Windows Mobile OS suffered a long agonising death, lingering on in various handsets even as other OS like iOS and Android long ago passed it in terms of usefulness and design. Windows Phone 7 on the other hand has garnered generally positive reviews from pundits and its launch is being looke dupon as a major event in the mobile world's calendar. Hopefully that calendar date is nearer the October end of things rather than the Christmas end.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Blackberry App World Launches in Japan    [ 10-06-2010 17:39 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Blackberry have just flipped the switch and launched their App World in Japan, but there are a few snags ... First of all the number of apps available is looking rather sparse at the moment, certainly when compared with established App World stores in other countries. Presumably this is a result of developers not including Japanese support in their apps and hopefully this is a situation that improve soon. The othe rpoint to note for would be customers is that they will have to be using a device that sports a trackpad, trackball or touchscreen and the device must be at least running BlackBerry OS 4.2 or higher. The Blackberry press release is available here although to be blunt it's just the usual corporate babble thata ccompanies these sort of events. One useful piece of information it does contain, however, is the link to get started with the Japanese App World, namely: http://ap.blackberry.com/jpn/appworld or mobile.blackberry.com.

Rating: Rating: 1

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C7 Pops Up With 8 MP Camera    [ 10-06-2010 17:35 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

So the Nokia C7 has shown up and it's sporting an 8 MP camera and a designt hat's more reminiscent of Samsung than Nokia. What little could be gleaned from the Chinese forum the pictures appeared on suggest an 8 MP camera, with dual LED flash thank you very much; stereo speakers, 3.5 mm jackand a 3.5" display. Unfortunately it wasn't made clear whether the display would be a resistive or a capacitive touchscreen. Similarly there was no word on whether it would be running S60 5th Edition or Symbian^3 OS. We'll just have to be patient for the time being, but just before you go off to oggle the pictures below a word of re-assurance from Eldar, despite what some may believe the C7 is most definitely real. Price wise Eldar reckons you will be looking at somewhere around the 270 euro mark.

Rating: Rating: 2

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iPhone 4 Glass Display ... Not So Tough    [ 10-06-2010 17:25 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: iFix via BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The iPhone 4's glass display has come under some fire today after a stress test was carried out on it by 'iFix Your i Blog'. They managed to obtain an iPhone that was missing the circuit board and proceeded to put it through its paces. They dropped it three times in a row from a height of three and a half feet although they haven't said what the surface the iPhone impacted was made from. It was after the third drop that the iPhone's glass cracked apart. Granted that repeatedly dropping a piece of glass several times from more than half the height of a man will in all likelyhood result in just such an outcome the reason for any shred of interest in this test is the fact that Apple made a big deal of saying that the glass used in the iPhone 4 had been specially treated so that it was thirty times stronger than plastic. This test certainly doesn't inspire much confidence in its robustness. Indeed iFix are suggesting that the iPhone 4 will in fact see more screen breakages than previous models and that the design choices made here may be something that Apple will later regret.

Rating: Rating: 2

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