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Thursday 03 June 2010

Hello Kitty Does Twitter On The iPhone    [ 03-06-2010 22:10 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

We don't normally do these 'mention something in passing' posts, but sometimes you see something that is just too good or too awful not to mention, even briefly. This particular posts fits very much into that latter category ... a Hello Kitty Twitter client for the iPhone. The first thing that hits you, aside from the extremely loud and overwhelming design, is that this thing actually costs money! $4 to be exact, which, if you ask us, is about $4 too much! The design is everything you would expect from a Hello Kitty themed Twitter client; a cerese pink design that doesn't so much beckon you to use the app as it screams in your face, spit flying and all. No doubt Hello Kitty fans will find this the greatest thing since sliced bread, but for anyone who isn't a Japanese schoolgirl please stick with the client you have.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Samsung Unveils Tablet - The Galaxy Tab    [ 03-06-2010 16:32 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Boy Genius Report     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

With tablet frenzy ramping up in the wake of the iPad launch Samsung have unveiled a tablet of their own and it's looking like a giant version of the Galaxy S. The tablet, known as the Galaxy Tab, was introduced through Samsung South Africa's Twitter feed and they helpfully released some details about it too. For instance, that screen you see is a 7" TFT display, not an AMOLED display. Whilst that may disappoint some it's both understandable and hardly surprising. Understandable because producing an AMOLED display that size would liekly make this one hell of an expensive tablet and unsurprising because of the global shortage of AMOLED displays right now. There were, however, rumours a fe wmonths ago of a Samsung tablet running with an AMOLED display and the tweet from Samsung referred to this tablet as "this particular one", which would seem to suggest there are more tablet devices in the works so who knows? As for the rest of its specs there isn;t much information at the moment, but what we do know is that it's running Android with Samsung's TouchWiz UI sitting in top. There is support for 3G connectivity and if you look to the bottom left of the picture you will see a phone icon, which would indicate the Galaxy Tab can make and receive phone calls, whether this requires a headset or not isn't known for sure at the moment. Pricing etc is obviously unknown at this stage, but surely it can't be too far from launch?

Rating: Rating: 1

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Blackberry Curve 9300 Pics Leak    [ 03-06-2010 15:36 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Blackberry's Curve series looks to be getting a new addition in the form of the Blackberry Curve 9300, shots of which have leaked onto the web. The nomenclature is interesting with a 9300 designation taking this particular Curve close to Bold territory, which has seen handsets designated in the high 9000s. However, the word is that the Curve 9300 won't be running Blackberry OS 6 like the Bold range, rather it will be sporting the older Blackberry OS 5, presumably this being one method of differentiating between the two series. In terms of specs the 9300 allegedly has 256 MB of internal memory, 3G support, WiFi and, as you can see in the pictures, the optical trackpad that is pretty much de rigeur in Blackberrys these days. Obviously no word about pricing or launch dates as yet.

Rating: Rating: 2

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New App Brings Some Love to Android Media Playback    [ 03-06-2010 14:06 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

One of Android's often lamented failings is the lack of a decent media player, something that is regularly touted as being one area the iPhone trounced Android in. Well DoubleTwist are set to launch a new Android media app that just might address that very issue and give Android some parity on the media front with the iPhone. The app bears a resemblance to the iPhone's media player, not a bad thing in our book, and acts as a desktop syn manager, hooking up to your computer and transfering playlists, media and ratings seamlessly. The app will be 'free for a limited time', which means you should definitely get a hold of a copy when it launches in the Market tomorrow. There are more features promised soon, including a widget, but there is some speculation that you may have to pay for these.

Rating: Rating: 2

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AT&T Launching New Data Plans    [ 03-06-2010 11:46 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

AT&T, the iPhone's official network in the U.S., have been giving their iPhone data plans a bit of a going over ahead of the launch of the next generation iPhone, widely expected to be announced this coming Monday. The new data plans are divided between light and heavy usage with light users being able to sign up for a $15/month plan that would give them 200 MB of data. If they should happen to use more than their allowance they will be charged an extra $15 for another 200 MB. For heavier users there is a $25/onth plan that gives an allowance of 2 GB with every GB over the allowance costing $10. AT&T are saying that 2 GB is more than adequate for 98% of their customers. The changes should be seen in the overall context of AT&T trying to improve their network performance, which has been strained at times due to the large volumes of traffic generated by iPhone users. AT&T are also finally introducing iPhone tethering, which will no doubt put further strain on their network so these changes are probably a good move from a network performance standpoint even if some customers may baulk at the limits.

Rating: Rating: 5

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Samsung Triples Size of Bada App Store    [ 03-06-2010 09:01 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

With the launch of their Wave handset Samsung have annonced that they have tripled the size of their Bada app store in the UK and other markets around the world. The Wave is Smasung's first Bada powered handset and with apps, and the stores that provide them, becoming ever more important to a smartphone's prospects Samsung obviously felt their own offering needed a bit of a push. A spokesman for Samsung, Kanghyun Kwon said "Launching the application store has enabled Samsung to increase smartphone sales, while at the same time add value for our existing customer base. Samsung Apps allows users to discover new apps, which are consistently making our smartphones more useful, productive and entertaining. In the future, we will continue to offer apps perfectly optimized for our smartphones, and introduce new devices to fit all lifestyles." Of course it's early days for Bada so one shouldn't be expecting the Bada app store to rival Apple's or Android's, but Samsung are clearly trying to demonstrate their commitment to the platform here.

Rating: Rating: 2

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