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Wednesday 02 June 2010

Chrome OS Coming This Autumn    [ 02-06-2010 16:27 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google are looking towards late autumn to release their Chrome operating system according to Sundar Pichai, the head of Google's Chrome effort. That puts a release somewhere around October perhaps, which would be a nice launch window to get it ready for the busy Christmas season. The OS, in case you didn't know, is designed to run on laptops and other mobile computers rather than full blown desktops and Google are looking to make sure that they get the launch right from the get-go with Pichai commenting "We will be selective on how we come to market because we want to deliver a great user experience. We're thinking on both the hardware and software levels." That sounds vaguely reminiscent of another tech company you may have heard of, but at any rate the user experience is something that is high on Google's priority list and Sundar sought to defend that against charges from Microsoft that Chrome OS would be a fragmented system with developer having to create multiple versions of apps for use on Chrome devices produced by different manufacturers. Pichai refutes that claim, saying "Chrome OS is one of the few future operating systems for which there are already millions of applications that work. You don't need to redesign Gmail for it to work on Chrome. Facebook does not need to write a new app for Chrome."

Rating: Rating: 1

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Microsoft Responds to Google Ditching Windows    [ 02-06-2010 16:17 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TG Daily     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

After's yesterday's news that Google were moving away from using Windows systems throughout the company in favour of Linux and Mac based system you just knew that someone somewhere at Microsoft had to respond. Well they have. Brandon LeBlanc, Windows Community Manager at Microsoft, has been firing up his blog and letting rip with some opinions of his own on the situation. He doesn't pull his punches and clearly thinks Google's decision is stupid:

Would it make any difference if the victims were running Linux or any other operating system if an attacker builds such a sophisticated profile? Not remotely. Linux, Windows, Mac, whatever – everything has weaknesses. Especially the users of those systems.

To be fair he does have a point, any system has vulnerabilities, although some have more than others it should be said, and he is right about end users being one of the weakest links in the chain. Still you can't help but get a sense of frustration and anger from his post. There is perhaps a feeling that Google's decision is an overreaction and that this is an undeserved reflection on Microsoft's efforts to secure their products, a view supported by a further comment from LeBlanc when he says "... even hackers admit we're doing a better job making our products more secure than anyone else."

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: Putting Moorestown Handset Running Android Through Its Paces    [ 02-06-2010 12:50 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Engadget managed to get their mits on a prototype smartphone with Intel's Morrestown Atom chip inside, the handset itself was running Android 2.1. Moorestown is Intel's upcoming mobile processor project that the company hopes will see the light of day in smartphones, but it's a competitive market out there with rivals eager to get their own hardware inside devices so this little exercise was partly to showcase exactly what Intel are doing in this space. The prototype handset, built by AVA mobile for Intel to test its chip on, gave a decent performance according to Engadget, but not the use of the word 'decent', it wasn't exactly rocking their world and they made a point of saying that it was no more impressive than current Snapdragon setups. To be fair though they didn't have an internet connection or HD content on the smartphone to play around with and thus the test was perhaps a little dampened, with proper content to put through its paces Intel's baby might come alive. Check out the video below to see the test in progress:

Rating: Rating: 5

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Moto Lifts the Lid on the Flipout    [ 02-06-2010 12:23 ]

Author: Murtazin Eldar   Source: Techradar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Motorola have taken the lid off a new handset, another Android phone going by the nameof the Flipout. If the name sounds crazy (pun very much intended) it's not, the handset has a somewhat curious form factor in that the screen pivots open rather than sliding back or fliping upwards. Once the screen has been pivoted open it reveals the presence of a QWERTY keyboard underneath. As you might suspect from the design this is a handset that is probably aimed more at the youth market than the top-tier smartphone market. Further evidenceof that is seen in the centrality of social networking to the phone with MotoBlur being used to integrate Facebook, Twitter and even Myspace onto the handset's homescreen in one combined stream. The specs are towards the lower end of the market with a 3 MP camera, 2.8" OLED screen and a 2 GB microSD card. To its credit the Flipout does have three battery modes designed to save power, it runs Android 2.1; widgets can be re-sized (very handy), and it comes with a data usage meter, which will no doubt be of use to much of its user base who are liekly to be on PAYG deals. The handset is due to be released this summer, whatever that means, and you can expect a UK release on Orange in the first instance.

Rating: Rating: 2

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