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Friday 04 June 2010

Apple WDC: No Invite for Gizmodo    [ 04-06-2010 21:06 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's hardly the greatest surprise to learn that Gizmodo have not received press invitations to Apple's WDC event this Monday. Just the other day Steve Jobs himself stated hat he wouldn't let the matter go and with an investigation into the whole 'lost iPhone' affair ongoing it was unlikely that Gizmodo were going to be taking a front row seat at this year's event. To that end they have put out a request to their readers to help them cover the event since they can't actually be there. They're looking for people to send them info directly from the keynote in the form of live video, pictures, messages, etc. They're also putting out feelers for people with relevant equipment at the event e.g. battery packs, DSLRs, etc. They're also going to be suplementing what coverage they can get with information from the feeds of various other sites like Ars Technica and Macworld. If nothing else it will be worth checking out Gizmodo's coverage on the day to see if they manage to pull it off. Good luck chaps!

Rating: Rating: 2

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Apple Launches HTML5 Promo Site    [ 04-06-2010 15:19 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Boy Genius Report     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

After Adobe launched their We <3 Flash campaign you just knew Apple were going to respond and respond they have with a counter-attack in the increasingly bitter and protracted war of words between the two companies. The battle has gotten so fierce that the American Department of Justice is investigating Apple over possible anti-trust practices concenring their refusal to allow development for their iPhone platform using Flash. Earlier today Apple launched an advocacy site for HTML5, the platform they are throwing their weight behind in opposition to Adobe's Flash technology. The new site promotes the benefits of using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript express and truth be told the site is actually pretty decent and might just surprise you. There are various things for you to try out that show off HTML5, but, rather annoyingly, you'll need to be using Safari to use the demos. Should you be running Safari already or can be bothered downloading and sintalling it then make sure you head on over and check it out.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Samsung Wave Comes With Extra Feature: A Trojan Virus!    [ 04-06-2010 14:53 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Samsung's first Bada powered handset, the Wave, is off to a bit of a rocky start in Germany as it has been revealed that the handset ships with a Trojan virus pre-installed on the memory card! The virus saves you the work of screwing up your system manually by automatically running when the handset is hooked up to a PC. How nice! The virus ridden handsets are only being shipped in Germany and Samsung have made sure to clarify that in a statement "In relation to your story on the Samsung Wave and the reported virus that has been found on some microSD cards sold with the product in Germany, we wanted to let you know that this is an isolated issue that took place solely in the German market. As soon as the problem was identified the issue was immediately resolved. All products currently available on the market have been tested and are perfectly safe to use. To be absolutely clear – this problem does not and did not affect the UK." Interestingly enough Samsung didn;t say how or why the virus was on the memorycards in the first place and how this rather major goof slipped past their quality control people. We're willing to bet though that the virus wasn't included simply because Samsung had run out of ideas for features! Just in case any of our British readers are still worried about this despite Samsung's assurance you can rest easy, for once network tight fistedness is paying off as Vodafone, which is launching the Wave in the UK, won't be shipping it with a microSD card!

Rating: Rating: 3

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5.5" Sony Ericsson Android Mini-Notebook Leaks    [ 04-06-2010 13:56 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: SE-NSE     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Leaked shots of new devices alwats cause a bit of excitement when they do the rounds on the web and that's especially true when the device in question happens to be a high-end device to boot. Well this particular leak looks to be a real dozer! The device in question is a 5.5" touchscreen from Sony Ericsson running Android 2.1. Note that we said 'Android 2.1.' there, it looks like Sony Ericsson is trying to make sur eits devices are up to date in the wake of the X10 running the older 1.6 version of Android. Whether this device will launch with Froyo instead of 2.1 or not is another question. Of particular interest here are the screen dimensions, which would place this device outside the smartphone category, a viewpoint reinforced by the large slide out QWERTY keyboard. If it's not a smartphone then what is it exactly? It would seem to best fit into the miniture netbook category. The word is that the device is in a very early stage of testing so don't get your hopes up for this being released tomorrow or anything like that, the best guess being Q3 this year. That's not too bad actually, well considering this is Sony Ericsson we're talking about.

Rating: Rating: 5

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