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Friday 30 July 2010

iPhone 3G Owners Experiencing Sluggish Behaviour With iOS 4    [ 30-07-2010 20:01 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple has been facing problems with its latest version of iOS on the iPhone 3G, namely that many users are reporting sluggish behaviour after upgrading. Now to be fair to Apple they did make it clear that iOS 4 wouldn't be bringing all its bells and whistles to the 3G e.g. no multi-tasking since the 3G's hardware simply can't support such features comfortably. However, Apple presumably didn't envisage the sort of problems people are now reporting and there is apparently an investigation underway on Apple's part into the issue. That might produce something in the long run, but in the here and now users are complaining and the whole process is looking rather annoying for those who own a 3G. Indeed French network SFR are advertising the problems on their website for 3G owners thinking of taking the plunge. Whilst SFR warn that the upgrade process is 'irreversible' that isn't exactly true as a downgrade is possible, albeit not necessarily as easy as the upgrade. All in all it's another mess for Apple at a time when they could really be doing with some good publicity for a change.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Samsung's 1st Win Phone 7 Handset: Cetus    [ 30-07-2010 19:51 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

As Windows Phone 7 draws ever nearer to launch day the leaks surrounding it are starting to mount. It wasn't long ago that we saw HTC's Win Phone 7 handset codenames leaked and today it's the turn of Samsung to see one of their upcoming Win Phone 7 devices make an appearance on the interwebs. The device, named Cetus, presumably after the constellation and not the ancient Greek terror of the seas, will be running Microsoft's latest OS and will sport such features as a 5 MP camera, GPS and a front facing camera. The screen will be an OLED effort and weigh in at a very respectable 4 inches. Obviously there is no word on things like pricing or release dates as yet, although the handset will apparently receive the catchy title SGH-i917 in the U.S. What it will be called and when it will be released anywhere else is up for debate.

Rating: Rating: 1

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O2 & T-Mobile Indicate Not All Desire Owners Getting Immediate Update    [ 30-07-2010 19:42 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

HTC Desire owners have been all of a flutter over the past day or so after HTC tweeted that they would be rolling out the update to Froyo from today. To be fair to HTC they did clarify that not every Desire owner would see the update today because of bandwidth issues, but now there is another spanner in the works for those hoping to upgrade to the latest iteration of Google's finest. O2 in the UK have told TechRadar that Desire owners on their network will not see the update for 'several weeks'. That doesn't sound too hot and it's not in the same league as saying that it will be available within a few days. The hold up? Well it looks like testing on network specific versions of the update is still ongoing so we daresay that whilst O2 may have come out and given some specifics this information will probably apply to many networks around the world. Indeed T-Mobile UK confirmed that their timescale for the update was currently focused on September. For those using SIM free handsets the update should either already be available or coming very soon according to HTC.

Rating: Rating: 1

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RIM Tablet Really Is the 'BlackPad'    [ 30-07-2010 19:27 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

As many of you will have seen RIM recently acquired the domain 'blackpad.com', a name that many were hoping wouldn't be the calling sign of RIM's forthcoming Blackberry tablet. Well sorry to disappoint you folks, but the chaps over at Bloomberg have been given a hot tip that 'BlackPad' is indeed the name that RIM will be going with despite the fact that it is sure to generate gags and puns galore. Bloomberg are also saying that the information they've been given points to the 'BlackPad' being 'introduced' in November. They're also running with specifications including a 9.7" screen, WiFi and Bluetooth. It's sounding like a done deal now, but perhaps, just perhaps, RIM will see sense and choose a different name before launch.

Rating: Rating: 1

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